Pokemon Go is getting ready for another new event, with the upcoming Sustainability Week, and it’ll feature shiny Trubbish being released, among other things.
This 5 day event is expected to have a variety of features, including the debut of both a new Pokemon and a new Shiny variant, as well as a free avatar item and various other small bonuses thrown in.
When is Pokemon Go’s Sustainability Week?
Pokemon Go’s Sustainability Week starts on April 20th at 10:00 AM, and runs until the 25th of April at 8:00 PM. As usual, these times are in local time so don’t worry about timezones.
We seem to be getting a lot of week-long duration style events lately, and this is another in the trend – presumably this event length has proven quite popular and Niantic intend to stick with it.
What can we expect from Sustainability Week?
This is always the big question, naturally. What do we get for attending the event?
For this one specifically, the answer is potentially quite a lot. The event introduces both a new Pokemon family (Binacle) and a new shiny (Trubbish) while also bringing other changes along with it.
The new Pokemon, Binacle
Binacle is being introduced during this event alongside its evolved form Barbaracle. As usual with most recent releases, it will NOT be releasing alongside it’s shiny form.

We don’t know currently if Binacle can be expected in the wild, but it will definitely appear within the research rewards during the event – so make sure to be claiming your research rewards from the event if you want to get your very own Binacle.
Binacle of course isn’t the only Pokemon being added during this event, as the evolved form, Barbaracle has come along too.

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Both the evolved and basic forms have a Rock/water dual-typing, which could be interesting for both PVE and PVP if the CP values are well suited for either – though we’ll just have to wait and see for that information.
The new Shiny, Trubbish
Trubbish’s shiny version has been enabled with this event, alongside its evolved form Garbodor.
While Trubbish is relatively unpopular amongst the player base generally – it’s quite often filled the most common spawn slot in long-distance eggs such as 10km while being a trash bag, it’s a little bit troll – I don’t mind this choice honestly.
And seeing these shinies below, you may well be wondering why, – understandably so – as they don’t look that great compared to normal. My reason for this is quite simple.

Shiny introductions usually involve spawning a lot of that Pokemon, and while I have no particular affection for Trubbish, they are worth 750 Stardust each. That’s a hell of a lot of Stardust if they spawn frequently.
READ MORE: Pokemon Go Spotlight Hour: How to catch Shiny Grimer
Other Bonuses
First of all, the store will feature a free sustainability-week-themed t-shirt item for your avatar. If you’re not interested in cosmetics, the event will also feature exclusive timed research to complete.
The timed research will include encounters with the likes of Cottonee, Chespin, Binacle, and other Pokemon.
Wild Pokemon
Speaking of other Pokemon, here’s a list of the wild Pokemon you can expect to be making frequent appearances during the event.
- Grimer
- Drilbur – No shiny available.
- Trubbish
- Ferroseed
Not a fan of those Pokemon? Perhaps you’ll prefer what’s coming in 5KM Eggs during the event
- Diglett
- Tangela
- Goldeen
- Budew
- Cherubi – no shiny available
- Finneon – no shiny available
- Drilbur – no shiny available
And if the above still didn’t catch your interest, all of the following Pokemon will be available in raids for the duration of the event:
- Vileplume
- Alolan Exeggutor
- Trubbish
- Binacle
- Therian Landorus – 5* Raid
- Mega Venusaur
- Mega Lopunny
- Mega Abomasnow
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Is there anything else?
Surprisingly, Yes. The event somehow still has some more content for us. The recently trialed CO-OP event where players can work together to achieve some kind of rewards in-game will be continued with this one.
For details on how to make progress and contribute towards unlocking these rewards alongside the community, check out the Niantic blog post here.
Reward details:
- Tier 1(2,500 activations): Five-star raids will appear more often.
- Tier 2 (5,000 activations): A free bundle containing three Remote Raid Passes will be available in the shop. The rewards from Tier 1 will remain active.
- Tier 3 (10,000 activations): A 2× Catch XP bonus will be live. The rewards from Tiers 1 and 2 will remain active.
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All in all, this looks like a great event that actually offers quite an absurd amount – and as a bonus, it encourages players to help clean up their local areas a bit.
Great event Niantic, more of this please, by all means.
Best of luck farming for your shiny new Trubbish Trainers!