Pokemon Go holds a handful of spotlight hours each month, with each consisting of a lot of a single pokemon spawning constantly for everyone, everywhere throughout the specified time period.
These are an excellent event to stock up on Candy for the spotlighted pokemon, or trying to find specific shinies – and even if you’re not a huge fan of what’s on offer, these events often come with an added bonus that may interest you as well.
READ MORE: Pokemon Go: Monthly Raid Hours
Just like with raid hours, spotlight hours occur at a specified time and day on a weekly basis – what pokemon will appear is announced in advance along with the times, so we’ve compiled the complete list of spotlight hours for April 2021 here for you.
For April 2021, Spotlight hours will start every Tuesday at 6:00 PM local time and run for one hour until 7:00 pm local time.
Pokemon Go Monthly Spotlight Hours
A complete list of Pokemon in the spotlight, bonuses, and relevant dates is below:
- Tuesday, April 6, 2021: Buneary will be in the spotlight, and you’ll earn twice the Candy for transferring Pokémon.
- Tuesday, April 13, 2021: Mankey will be in the spotlight, and you’ll earn twice the XP for evolving Pokémon.
- Tuesday, April 20, 2021: Grimer will be in the spotlight, and you’ll earn twice the Stardust for catching Pokémon.
- Tuesday, April 27, 2021: Finneon will be in the spotlight, and you’ll earn twice the XP for catching Pokémon.
This article will be updated towards the end of each month to reflect upcoming spotlight hours.

Further information about more distant upcoming Pokemon Go events can usually be found on websites such as PokemonGoLive, which is the official hub website, and the website Leekduck.
READ MORE: Pokemon Go: Fletchling Community Day
Although, you can also expect coverage of much Pokemon Go News here on The Click!