Genshin Impact: Aranara locations and how to take pictures of them for Snapshots Day 4

Last Updated on: 3rd September 2022, 09:14 am

The Snapshots sub-event in Genshin Impact‘s Graven Innocence allows you to explore Sumeru and witness the diversity of its flora and fauna. On Snapshots Day 4, however, you will go deeper into a magical world and take pictures of creatures who, for most people, only exist in the region’s fairy tails.

These creatures are called the Aranara. Small and plantlike, they are spirits that live in Vanarana in the northern part of Sumeru. However, they are only seen by a select few.

If you’re wondering where you can find them and how you can take pictures of them in Vanarana, you’ve come to the right place. In this guide, we have prepared the Aranara locations on the map for you.

How to go to Vanarana

You can find Vanarana just east of the Jadeplume Terrorshroom‘s location.

However, note that you will NOT be able to see any Aranara in this location unless you have completed the world quest called The World of Aranara, a part of the Aranyaka series of world quests.

Genshin Impact - Vanarana on the map
Credit: HoYoverse, TheClick

Aranara locations in Vanarana

If you have already completed the required quest, check out the Aranara locations on the map below. The main objective of Snapshots Day 4 is to take pictures of these creatures of different colors, so we have also marked the map with their colors.

Take note that this map of Aranara locations was created right after completing The World of Aranara world quest. As you progress in the Aranyaka world quest series, you may find more of these creatures.

Genshin Impact - Graven Innocence - Snapshots Day 4 - How to take pictures of Aranara - Aranara Locations in Vanarana
Credit: HoYoverse, TheClick

How to take pictures of the Aranara

You can take pictures of the Aranara similar to how you’ve taken pictures in the previous Snapshots challenges, such as Tri-Lakshana Creatures and Animal Behavior.

Make sure to equip the Exquisite Kamera given to you at the earlier point of the Graven Innocence quest. Once ready, go to the Aranara locations and snap some photos.

Genshin Impact - Graven Innocence - Snapshots Day 4 - How to take Pictures of Aranara
Credit: HoYoverse, TheClick

Just like the previous challenges, the Kamera will tell you if you have already captured a similar subject or not. The image above simply says “Orange Aranara,” meaning that an Aranara of this color hasn’t had its picture taken yet.

Snapshots Day 3: Vanarana Rewards

Below are the rewards for this sub-event:

Take pictures of 1 Aranara– Whimsical Draft x200
– Mora x20000 Genshin
– Guide to Admonition x2
Take pictures of 2 Aranara of different colors– Whimsical Draft x200
– Mora x20000 Genshin
– Guide to Ingenuity x2
Take pictures of 3 Aranara of different colors– Whimsical Draft x200
– Mora x20000 Genshin
– Guide to Praxis x2

The Whimsical Draft can be used as a limited-time currency at the Graven Innocence Event Shop. Specifically, it can be used to buy  Carving Components for the Metamorphosis of Wood event.

We hope that the Aranara locations helped you find some of these magical creatures.

Genshin Impact is an action role-playing game developed by miHoyo, also known as HoYoverse. The game is available on PC, PS4, PS5, iOS, and Android, while a release on Nintendo Switch is currently in the works