Genshin Impact: How to prepare photos of Mondstadt regional specialties

Mondstadt regional specialties request in genshin impact

Last Updated on: 9th April 2022, 01:47 pm

It’s day three of the Inadori festival in Genshin Impact, and travellers now need to prepare photos of Mondstadt regional specialties.

How to prepare photos of Mondstadt regional specialties

Just like the quests for day one and day two of this event, you’ll need to make use of Genshin Impacts photo mode, which we have a guide for here. As with the previous days, you’ll need to find something specific to the region requested.

Given that today’s focus is Mondstadt regional specialties, that means the various plants and the like that you’d typically use for Mondstadt character ascensions.

The first Mondstadt regional specialty, the dandelion seed
Credit: HoYoverse, The Click

An easy start towards the four you’ll need can be found right outside the Mondstadt city gate, where Dandelion seeds can be seen to either side. Open up the photo mode, and you’ll see a blue circle around the Dandelion seeds to show that they will count as a Mondstadt regional specialty for the purpose of the quest.

Take a picture using the photo mode tool and that’ll be one out of the four you need.

Be aware you will need to find other Mondstadt specialities for the remaining three though, as each photo must be unique.

Valberries also work
Credit: HoYoverse, The Click

Another easy access option would be Valberries which are easy to find in the northern mountains around the Anemo Hypostatis boss.

Following on from those, I’d recommend heading to the Wolvendom.

Small lamp grass is a mondstadt regional specialty
Credit: HoYoverse, The Click

From the Wolvendom teleport point closest to Mondstadt city, you can easily find small Lamp grass on the path up to the Andrius boss fight. Continue along that path and you can also find Wolfhook berries on the ground.

Take a photo of each of those and you’ll have finished the prepare photos of Mondstadt regional specialties quest entirely at this point, so you can return to Inazuma and hand in your pictures for the prizes.

There are other Mondstadt regional specialties you could use for this objective as well – while you’re getting the photo of Dandelion seeds you could easily take a picture of the Philanemo mushrooms on the sides and roofs of the buildings in the city.