Genshin Impact: How to prepare photos of Inazuman regional animals

prepare photos of Inazuman regional animals genshin impact

Last Updated on: 8th April 2022, 11:00 pm

As part of day two of the Inadori Festival in Genshin Impact, travellers now must prepare photos of Inazuman regional animals.

How to prepare photos of Inazuman regional animals

Much like regional specialties, regional Inazuman animals are animals that are native specifically to Inazuma, so preparing photos of these will require you to explore the islands a little bit.

When you find one of the Inazuman regional animals, preparing photos will require you to make use of the photo mode in the Genshin Impact pause menu screen. With that open, aim the camera over at the animal, and press enter to take the photo and get the progress on the task.

Credit: HoYoverse, The Click

Animals that you haven’t used to prepare photos with so far will be highlighted with a blue square and circle as shown here. Your total taken is also displayed below the faint blue box to make keeping track easy; and no, unfortunately, you must use unique animal species each time, so 4 pictures of the same bird will not do.

READ MORE: Genshin Impact: How to prepare photos of Inazuman regional specialties

Credit: HoYoverse, The Click

Finding lnazuman regional animals isn’t actually particularly hard as there are likely more of them than you realise; the various reskins of birds will count if they are only encountered in Inazuma, for example. A boar for comparison should not count, because those also appear in Liyue and Mondstadt.

Some easy ones you can grab to get through the quest can be found near Ritou. Head down the coast on the path you used to enter Inazuma from Ritou for the first time and you’ll see some birds on the shoreline. You can easily get a picture of one of them from a distance.

At the far side of this area are Kitsune statues, which usually have wild Kistune nearby, netting you a second animal photo.

Bake-danuki count as well
Credit: HoYoverse, The Click

READ MORE: Genshin Impact: List of Animals in Inazuma and Where to Find Them

Oddities unique to Inazuma such as the Bake-Danuki and Electro Crystalfly will also count – just swap to photo mode and take a picture before these things can get away, and its a much easier quest goal than you might otherwise have thought.