Splitgate: All Killstreak medal names in Splitgate

Last Updated on: 27th June 2022, 03:34 pm

Splitgate has plenty of comparisons to Halo going for it, including the inclusion of medals, but what are all the killstreak medal names?

All of the Killstreak medals in Splitgate

Splitgate has a number of unique medals for Killstreaks, or Killing sprees, depending which term you are more used to. One such medal is awarded for every 5 kills you earn in a single life – dying will reset your progress, so it can be quite difficult to earn the higher kill requirement medals shown here.

In any case, here is the list of the standard Killstreak medals in Splitgate:

  • Killing Spree – 5 Kills
  • Killection Agency – 10 Kills
  • Fragtastic – 15 Kills
  • King of Carnage – 20 Kills
  • Absolute Mad Lad – 25 Kills
25 splitgate strreak medal name, showing one of the higher Killstreak names in Splitgate
Credit: 1047 games, TheClick.GG

READ MORE: Splitgate: What is the highest multikill medal in Splitgate

While I do enjoy the names personally, it does feel like they could perhaps have not gendered the last two.

Or, for another way around that, ‘Queen of Carnage’ and ‘Absolute Mad Lass’ would likely work as alternative medal versions of each. Splitgate could simply implement a settings toggle for which gender medals you’d like to receive and eliminate that complaint entirely while retaining King of Carnage and Absolute Mad Lad in the game.

Some people will baulk at each questioning that at all and perhaps get annoyed at me for making any kind of big deal of it. However, having exclusively one-gender terms like that is a subtle way to reinforce gaming as a Male only hobby, which certainly is not ideal, to say the least.

The highest killstreak medal

Moving on from those first few Killstreak names in Splitgate, the final and only non-standard killstreak medal is a fair bit longer. Unlike the others, you’ll need quite a bit more than 5 extra kills to reach it, as the jump from Absolute Mad Lad’s 25 kills is much larger.

You’ll in fact need to double your kill count to achieve this final medal, by adding another 25 kills on in that very same life – making it entirely impossible in many Quickplay games as of Season 2, which end by 40 kills.

The highest Killstreak in Splitgate is known as Superkillifragelisticextrakilladocious, making it by far the most memorable of these names, if also the hardest to say.

It is quite the mouthful isn’t it?

While you’re here, you might also be interested in checking out how to control and destroy portals, or how to make use of enemy portals instead, as well as our achievement guide for Splitgate.