Friday Night Funkin Switch: Will it Happen?

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Last Updated on: 9th July 2021, 04:43 am

It’s no secret that Friday Night Funkin has taken the Internet by storm in the past few months, and I’m a victim of all the hype too. So much enthusiasm was generated that over $2 million was raised for the game’s Kickstarter. Despite the success of the campaign, little is known of a Friday Night Funkin Switch. Here’s everything we know about a potential upcoming Switch release of the hit funky game!

What We Know

Months ago in a Reddit thread, a user was looking through files in the game and found a Switch version of the game build. Unfortunately, this isn’t a sign of a quick Switch release. Ninjamuffin99, the creator of the game, confirmed that this was merely some backend work from a fellow developer who is a Switch Partner. In short, this just gave them access to some Nintendo resources, and so the team can play around with making the game playable.

READ MORE: When is Friday Night Funkin Coming Out?

The team DID submit FNF to the Nintendo Switch eShop, but the submission was pretty clearly a joke on 2007ish era Internet humor. Ninjamuffin has expressed a desire for a Switch version though, noting that having more dev tools early would allow them to program the full game in a way which could work on all available platforms on release. Otherwise, the game could have deeply rooted coding problems that would need to be identified and weeded out, adding quite a bit of time to a theoretical port.

Credit: Ninjamuffin99

Friday Night Funkin Switch – Probably One Day

So, while the evidence technically points to little chance for Friday Night Funkin on Switch, I think it’s a bad idea to lose hope. The dev team is clearly interested in a port down the line and clearly has some sort of connection to Nintendo, albeit fairly tiny. Additionally, the Switch has been pretty nice to indies overall with an expansive library of both shovelware and surprising gems. Big PC only games have also made their way to Switch such as Undertale and Doki Doki LIterature Club.

READ MORE: Top 5 Friday Night Funkin Songs

Obviously, if you’re gunning for getting the Full Ass Game on day one, I can’t well dissuade you. However, there’s still a good amount of time between now and the release estimate, so news on ports could come out over time. Even so, be prepared to have to wait a little for a Friday Night Funkin Switch, even if it’s likely the game will make it to the console-handheld hybrid at some point.