When is Kaeya’s Birthday in Genshin Impact?

When is Kaeya's birthday in genshin impact

Last Updated on: 7th August 2022, 04:01 pm

If you’re a fan of Kaeya in Genshin Impact, you might wonder when is Kaeya’s birthday? Fortunately, this is pretty easy to answer, and worth knowing, because Kaeya will send you a short letter and some free items on his birthday.

While they aren’t a huge deal, birthdays are fun events in both real life and Genshin Impact. You might want to make sure to log in and celebrate somehow if one of your favourite characters has an upcoming birthday in-game, or at the very least not miss out on the letter they send you.

When is Kaeya’s Birthday in Genshin Impact?

The Cavalry Captain of the Knights of Favonius, Kaeya, has his birthday on the 30th of November. This is displayed as 11/30 in the profile section dedicated to him in Genshin Impact.

This date isn’t crucially important, but it is used to trigger the gift the character will send the traveler. On their birthday, they will send a letter accompanied with their special dish and one or two other items, typically ascension or upgrade materials.

kaeya profile in genshin impact
Credit: HoYoVerse, TheClick.GG

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While Genshin Impact doesn’t really expect you to be aware of the answer to when is Kaeya’s birthday, or any other birthday for that matter, it’s useful to be aware of how to find them in-game like this.

It’s a very small thing as far as Genshin Impact as a whole is concerned. Still, it’s something to look forward to that exists separately from the regular patch cycle. Birthdays are just simple events in-game that result in you being sent items. They also give you something to read without actually having to do anything for them, making a nice change from the ever-changing list of new events in Genshin Impact.

The free items you get are often a small deal, a free food item or two alongside some ascension of crafting material items, as I mentioned before. However, the birthday letter sent to the Traveler is often brimming with the personality of the sender, so it can be fun to just check in for those alone.

While you’re here, you can find the birthdays of the rest of the cast here. Don’t try to use them to figure out the age of any of the characters, though. Even with the answer to when is Kaeya’s birthday, it’ll be hard to get far when the game itself rarely touches the subject of character age beyond when they are introduced.

Understandably so, given that ageing could prove an issue otherwise in a live service type game such as Genshin. Events like Kaeya’s birthday will go by multiple times in the space of its growth after all.