Genshin Impact: Active Camouflage Achievement Guide

Active Camouflage achievement unlocked genshin impact

Last Updated on: 17th February 2023, 03:44 pm

Active Camouflage is a Genshin Impact achievement requiring you to remove the invisibility of at least two primal constructs at once.

To make matters slightly harder, this has to be achieved using Dendro-based reactions; Quicken, Aggravate or Spread – with a notable addition of Truesense pulses – in a three-second window.

Fortunately, there is a pretty reliable way to get this potentially awkward Genshin Impact achievement, so just follow along if you’re missing this one and we’ll have that fixed shortly.

How to get Active Camouflage achievement in Genshin Impact

While there are a few different ways to achieve this, the most easily reliable method to unlock Active Camouflage seems to be using the Electro/Dendro Quicken elemental reaction. This can be easily achieved in a large area by combining the Dendro Traveler and Lisa, both of whom are available to all players without wishing in the Gacha system.

As long as you have access to these two characters (and are able to survive near two primal constructs) you can get the achievement quite easily. You don’t need any particular artifacts or weapons on them, as they just need to cause the reaction, not do a certain amount of damage with it.

Credit: Hoyoverse, Youtube: @Fjarunsigr

While the achievement can theoretically be managed in a variety of locations, the presence of two primal constructs close to each other can be annoyingly rare when you actively go looking for them.

One location with two constructs close enough to each other to make this easier is shown below.

After finding them, you’ll just need to stall for a while until both Primal Constructs go into invisibility at around the same time. At this point, you want to try to tag both of them with Dendro infusions as quickly as you can manage to do so.


The use of Dendro Traveler elemental burst between them is typically enough, but if it only hits one of them you can easily tag the second with your elemental skill to fix that quickly.

The important part is getting both of them afflicted with Dendro as quickly as you can, as the next step requires you to stand still for a second or two to wind up an attack to hit them both, they might well move enough that you can’t hit both of them at once if you take too long.

If you have them close to each other and both tagged with Dendro, all you need to do now is hold down Lisa’s elemental skill until it fully charges. Hitting both constructs with this will trigger a Quicken reaction on each, and get rid of the invisibility on both for the Active Camouflage achievement.