Destiny 2: Trials of Osiris SBMM has players angry

Last Updated on: 20th September 2021, 11:12 pm

Trials of Osiris, the most popular end-game player versus player game mode, recently got a rework in the Season of the Lost

. During the first weekend, the rework was called a resounding success, with multiple new flawless players reaching the lighthouse and overall praise for the new mechanics regarding obtaining weapons and armor.

Flawless Queue Change

In the weekly TWAB, Bungie announced that there were going to be adjustments to the playlist after the first weekend of Trials. The one change that got the most attention was the new Flawless Queue.

In short, Bungie announced that any players that have gone flawless that week will be put into a new queue that only contained other flawless players, but would not be turned on until Friday afternoon.

Reed’s Regret, the new Trials of Osiris Linear Fusion Rifle

Unfortunately, this caused some confusion and anger among the community. Some players questioning why the player base for the game mode was being split up, and others wondering why it was needed in the first place considering the rise of new Trials of Osiris players.

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The people confused even included some notable Destiny 2 content creators. One such creator, FalloutPlays, asked community manager Cozmo on Twitter about the new flawless queue and how it worked.

In addition to the new queue, players who are on the losing side of stomps are also getting some help. If a player is on the wrong end of a 5-0 game multiple times, Bungie has enabled matchmaking for them as well to help them get back on the right path while playing.

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In true Bungie fashion, the flawless queue was turned on early by accident. In a tweet from Bungie Help, they mentioned that the queue was turned on by accident, but was turned off until later that day and that they would be monitoring the populations of both pools and making changes as Bungie saw fit.

Some of the responses to the Tweet were not safe for publication, but there were some that did portray the feelings of the community.