Destiny 2: Armor Synthesis details revealed

Last Updated on: 23rd April 2021, 02:43 am

More details about the new Armor Synthesis system in Destiny 2 have finally been detailed. This week’s TWAB post covers the details about the system and how it will work starting next season. Ever since the introduction of armor ornaments in Destiny 1, fans have clamored for a better system that allows you to wear whatever set you choose.

This is the moment everyone’s been waiting for. Guardians everywhere can finally reach the actual endgame of an MMO: making a fashion statement. Seven years later, and now we’re finally getting a comprehensive system that will allow you to transmog most acquired armor sets onto whatever gear you have on at the time.

Universal Ornaments have been a great way to change up the look of your Guardian, but this system was the one thing that was missing.

Weaving a new look

Armor Synthesis in Destiny 2 will allow you to create glamor of most armor sets in the game. Among them will be Solstice Armor from previous seasons.
Credit: Bungie

Armor Synthesis will be handled by Ada-1, the previous vendor of the Black Armory season; she’ll be giving out bounties that will allow Guardians to earn one of many currencies being used for Armor Synthesis. Firstly, you’ll need to earn Synthstrand by killing enemies (presumably) anywhere, next you’ll use the Synthstrand to buy bounties that will reward you with Synthcord upon completion.

Finally, you’ll use the earned Synthcord to buy Synthweave, which can then be used to create a previously acquired armor piece into a Universal Ornament. There will be a limit of 10 Synthweave that you can earn per season; however, this upcoming season will allow for 20 Synthweave in celebration of the system’s introduction. Synthweave will be available for purchase from Eververse either for 300 Silver per piece or 1000 Silver for a pack of five pieces.

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Synthweave will also be limited per character, so you’ll be able to make two sets of armor ornaments per class, or ten different pieces of armor from each class.

Tangled yarn

Ada-1 will be the vendor who will be in charge of Armor Synthesis in Destiny 2.
Credit: Bungie

So, that’s a lot to take in, and you might notice the amount of work you’ll have to do to earn a single piece is substantial. The best thing about earning Synthweave is that you can play any activity in the game to complete the bounties that are available. Each bounty will have objectives unique to their activity, and they won’t be too different to what we do with bounties currently.

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Despite the freedom to choose any activity to earn Synthweave, the system feels unnecessarily complicated with its three different currencies that you need to manage. Its clear that despite all the work that Bungie put into this system, there will definitely be some tweaks to this over time. The limit of ten pieces per season feels a little too small for something that has been sought after by players for years.

Hopefully when Armor Synthesis is finally introduced into Destiny 2 next season, Bungie will pay close attention to anything that needs to be tweaked. Its clear that Bungie wants to do right by players, so there is plenty of hope that Armor Synthesis will be improved and maybe even expanded over time.