Genshin Impact: Performance may decline in low temperatures achievement guide

performance may decline in low temperatures genshin impact achievement

Last Updated on: 19th February 2023, 11:46 am

Performance may decline in low temperatures is a Genshin Impact achievement requiring you to defeat 4 opponents with Superconduct reactions within 2s.

Like other Elementalist specialist series achievements, performance may decline in low temperatures must be completed 10 times in total for the maximum reward of 20 Primogems, plus an additional 15 for previous levels, for a total of 35.

Similarly to a little less shocking than love at first sight, this is one of the easier elemental specialist achievements to unlock.

How to get the Performance may decline in low temperatures achievement in Genshin Impact

Superconduct relies on only Cryo and Electro, two of the most common elements used by Genshin Impact characters, meaning you’ll have plenty of characters who could be viable choices for this particular achievement.

For the method I’d recommend though, you only need Kaeya, one of the characters all players get for free in Genshin Impact during the early game.

Credit: Hoyoverse, Youtube: @Fjarunsigr

To complete the achievement using only a Cryo character such as Kaeya, you’ll need somewhere with a large number of Electro-infused enemies. Fortunately, Electro slimes do exist, and there are areas with plenty of them. For this particular method, we’ll be using Spiral Abyss floor 1 chamber 1, as it’s absolutely full of Electro slimes.

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Make sure to build Kaeya – or your respective Cryo character of choice – for Elemental Mastery, to make sure that the Superconduct reaction gets the kill credit rather than the skill itself. You may want to unequip damage or crit stat artifacts and weapons if you have any equipped on the character you use to make this easier. You may also wish to avoid selecting any damage-boosting Spiral Abyss modifiers when prompted, as they interfere with what is credited with the kills, thus disrupting achievement progress.

Credit: Hoyoverse, Youtube: @Fjarunsigr

Enter Spiral Abyss on the first floor, and simply use your elemental skill or elemental burst to hit the Electro Slimes with Cryo damage. As the slimes are all automatically infused with Electro, they will Superconduct on contact with Cryo.

If you have enough Elemental Mastery and sufficiently low attack, the initial damage will fail to kill them, then the reaction will instantly kill them afterwards.

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You can easily get several progress on the achievement per attempt using this method, as only 4 Superconduct kills are needed in quick succession at a time, and there are over 20 enemies available on this floor each time. As such this method can be used to quickly max out the performance may decline in low temperatures achievement in Genshin Impact in only a few runs if handled correctly. You should be able to easily manage two progress an attempt at least.