Genshin Impact: A little less shocking than love at first sight achievement guide

a little less shocking than love at first sight genshin impact achievement

Last Updated on: 18th February 2023, 03:38 pm

A little less shocking than love at first sight is a Genshin Impact achievement requiring you to defeat 4 opponents with Electro-charged within 2s.

Like other Elementalist specialist series achievements, a little less shocking than love at first sight must be completed 10 times in total for the maximum reward of 20 Primogems, plus an additional 15 for previous levels, for a total of 35.

Compared to some of the other achievements in this series, this one is particularly easy to accomplish.

How to get the A little less shocking than love at first sight achievement in Genshin Impact

This is among the easiest of the Elemental Specialist achievements to get, provided you have the necessary amount of elemental mastery boosts that are required for so many of these achievements. Outside of that, all you’ll need is a single Knights of Favonius character you’ll have gotten for free – Lisa.

Build Lisa for as much elemental mastery as you can manage, around 600 was what I used and turned out to be more than enough. If you have one or two maximum-level elemental mastery artifacts, that will make this quite easy. Otherwise you can use a EM boosting weapon, or add two Dendro characters to your team for the elemental resonance EM bonus.

Credit: Hoyoverse, Youtube: @Fjarunsigr

When you have enough EM on Lisa, head to the Cecilia Garden domain in Mondstadt. Other characters could also work, but Lisa is particularly reliable for this method.

Enter the domain, and select any of the tier 1 domain options – they will all be the same except for the names and the completion reward. As we are using the domain to unlock an achievement, we only care about the enemy spawns here. This means that any of City of Reflections I, Submerged Valley I, or Ruins of Thirsting Capital I are all perfectly fine for this.

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When inside the Domain, simply walk to the dead centre and deploy Lisa’s elemental burst there, while standing underneath it.

The slimes will walk to you, get hit one by one by the burst effect, and proc Electro-charged due to their Hydro-Infusions. With enough EM, the individual Electro-Charged procs will be instantly lethal, and your burst can effectively solo the entire domain for you, while making achievement progress. Typically this method nets 2 to 3 progress per attempt on the total 10 needed for the full achievement reward.

READ MORE: Genshin Impact: Go with the Wind! achievement guide

a little less shocking than love at first sight achievement method demonstration genshin impact
Credit: Hoyoverse, Youtube: @Fjarunsigr

You could also try to use Lisa’s elemental skill at full charge instead, as it can also instantly dispatch the Slimes with enough EM stat on Lisa. I did find that I wasn’t making any progress when I attempted this, so I believe the credit for the kills is actually attributed to her elemental skill in that case and not the reaction itself. If that is the case, then progress towards the achievement in that way is impossible.

If you’re here just for the achievement, stick to using her elemental burst instead.