Genshin Impact: Who should you choose in Fortuitous Invitation?

genshin impact lantern rite 2023 fortuitous invitation yao yao release

Last Updated on: 25th January 2023, 12:12 pm

With each Lantern rite comes a new Fortuitous Invitation, and as always some Genshin players will be stuck wondering who they should invite.

While the ability to choose a character to get in Genshin Impact is rare, marking Lantern Rite as a substantial event for this fact alone, this is much less complex than people typically treat it.

Let’s run through the options and help you answer the annual ‘who should I invite’ question plaguing Genshin Impact players during Lantern rite.

The Fortuitous Invitation choice

Each Lantern rite, we get a Fortuitous Invitation event, allowing players to select one of the four star character roster from Liyue to claim immediately for free. The catch is you’re only allowed one, which often leaves people stuck trying to make the ‘correct choice’ for the event.

The characters available as part of Fortuitous Invitation this year, are as follows:

The first and most obvious choice that many players will go with is Yaoyao. She’s new to the game as of this patch, so many players won’t have her yet, and for those not wishing for Alhaitham or Xiao, getting the new four-star character without wishing is a pretty tempting proposal.

If you already managed to get Yaoyao in the banners this patch though, your choice is likely to be a bit less obvious.

READ MORE: Genshin Impact: Yaoyao’s Ascension Materials and Locations

The first step you can take if you’re struggling to decide at all, is to check the character archive feature. This section will show you what characters you have, and the ones you don’t.

Any four-star characters you’re missing from Liyue will make for a reasonable choice for Fortuitous Invitation – and each new character you obtain can be levelled up and ascended for some free standard banner wishes, as well as farmed for some bonus Primogems using Serenitea pot gifts.

If you’re not interested in any of the characters you’re missing, the next step is to check out constellations for characters you use, or intend to use in the future.

yun jin constellation 5 genshin impact
Credit: Hoyoverse, TheClick.GG

Xingqiu, Xiangling and to a lesser extent Yun Jin are popular support characters that can fit into a number of different Genshin Impact teams, making their constellations highly desirable. If you happen to use one of these characters already, getting their Stella Fortuna from the event will net them a nice power boost. If you happen to use any of the other Liyue cast members regularly, it’s worth taking a look into their constellations as well.

Be sure that whoever you invite isn’t someone who is already at their 6th constellation though – choosing a maxed-out character will just net you 5 stardust, allowing you to buy a single wish from the shop system – unless you need to build up an extra 1 pity very badly, this probably isn’t a good idea.

READ MORE: Genshin Impact: Alhaitham Special Dish

Personally, I’m going to hold on to my Fortuitous Invitation character invite until later in the patch. I need a single Yun Jin to max out her constellations, and I don’t yet have Yaoyao. If I roll either of them in the featured banner at the moment, my choice will become a lot easier.

If you’re also stuck between two options, particularly if one is currently in the banner, then you may wish to wait a little bit longer and see what happens first. Hopefully this has helped answer anyone who was left wondering ‘who should I invite this time’ when Fortuitous Invitation returned for another Lantern rite festival.

How to unlock a Fortuitous Invitation character

If you’re stuck trying to invite a character but aren’t yet allowed to do so, you need to increase the festive fever of the Lantern rite event first.

You can do this by completing the various sub-events, such as the paper theatre, coin collecting race event or the competitive coin collecting at sea starting from Beidou’s ship. Festive fever is tracked throughout the event and doesn’t go down at all, so you don’t need to do all of it at once – and you can earn more than enough to invite a character, meaning you can skip parts of the event if there are any bits you don’t like. I wouldn’t recommend that if you need Primogems though, as the entire event is fairly generous with them.