Tower of Fantasy: The pity system explained

Tower of Fantasy Claudia

Last Updated on: 20th September 2022, 06:15 am

The pity system is a way of making a gacha game, like Tower of Fantasy, as fair as possible to all players; both for free-to-play and pay-to-win.

Gacha games are pull-model games like rolling dice in a bet. The goal of the gacha system is to divide the probability of getting certain rewards depending on their rarity. In the Tower of Fantasy jargon, there are SR and SSR rewards that players can get, under certain conditions.

These conditions involve a stringent amount of patience from the player as the probability of landing a good roll for an SSR is finding a needle in a haystack. To make it less complicated, they have divided the pity system into Hard and Soft Pity.


Tower of Fantasy Claudia New Simulacrum
Credits: Hotta Studio

How the pity system works

There are three resources that are used to initiate a gacha mechanic in Tower of Fantasy. These are through the red nucleus, gold nucleus, and black nucleus. The red nucleus is used to pull new SSR Simulacra that are featured in the limited-time event of the game. The gold nucleus is similar to the red nucleus. However, the rewards are an aggregate of all the SSR Simulacra that have already been released previously to the game. Lastly, the black nucleus is a resource that has neither Hard pity nor Soft pity.

Hard Pity – This ensures that players can get a better chance of getting an SSR Simulacra reward after completing 80 pulls through the red and gold nucleus. An additional 50% possibility is added to a roll after 80 pulls are done.

Soft Pity – This will only apply to the gold nucleus. Although there is no actual evidence of this section of the game existing. Records show that players are more likely to get a guaranteed SSR in the first 30 pulls in the Weapon Galore event. This may be a way of making new players of the game get a sense of accomplishment, especially with the challenge of the game’s reward system.


Tower of Fantasy Weapons Galore SSR SR weapons
Credit: Hotta Studios

The math in the gacha system

The following table from the official Tower of Fantasy website shows the probability of each roll. This will then be divided depending on the number of weapons that are available for that category. For example, if the rate of probability of getting an SSR Simulacra is 0.75%, that would then be divided by the number of SSR weapons currently available in the game.

ItemBase Probability
SSR Weapons0.75%
SR Weapons1%
R Weapons91.4%
High-Efficiency Energy Battery6.85%
WeaponsBase Probability
Rosy Edge0.083%
Icewind Arrow0.083%
Absolute Zero0.083%
Scythe of the Crow0.083%
Chakram of the Seas0.083%
Negating Cube0.083%
Dual EM Stars0.083%
Molten Shield V20.083%

The first table shows the likelihood of a player getting an SSR weapon against the rest of the possible rewards for that event. SSR weapons have the least base probability while R weapons have the highest base probability at 91.4%.

The possibility of getting an SSR weapon is then divided into the number of SSR weapons available for the players. There is an equal amount of base probability for each SSR weapon. As such, 0.75% (SSR weapons’ base probability) is divided by 9 (total number of SSR weapons currently available in the Weapons Galore event) which breaks down the base probability to 0.083% for each of the SSR weapons.


Tower of Fantasy Claudia Pity System
Credits: Hotta Studio, The Click

Pity system resets, carry overs and limitations

In the unlikely event that a player pulls an SSR Simulacra before the 80th pull, the pity system does not reset. This means that if you get lucky and obtain an SSR reward before hitting the 80th pull on the red nucleus event, the probability of getting an SSR weapon will still increase by 50%. In turn, this will also guarantee a gold nucleus roll and an SSR reward after the 80th pull, even if the player has already obtained one previously.

Since the red nucleus is used for limited-time events, there is a chance that a player would not be able to complete 80 rolls before the end of the event. To help players, the game carries over the number of rolls you have already made to the next limited-time event.

Lastly, because of its abundance of it, the black nucleus does not have a pity system.

Tower of Fantasy is available now on PC, iOS, and Android.