What are the best beginner Champions for new LOL Players?

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Last Updated on: 15th February 2022, 09:28 am

What are some beginner champions that are easy to learn for a new player? Though there are a lot of flashy champions, with tons of complexity, there are champions that are friendly for a new player just getting into the biggest game in the world. This article is to help those new players find those champions and start playing one of the biggest games in the world.

Best Beginner champions in League of Legends

Top Lane – Garen

League of Legends beginner Champion Garen
Credit: Riot Games

The top lane is known as being the home to tanky champions and champions that excel in fighting each other, and one of the best beginner champions for this role is Garen. This simple bruiser has damage, speed and can get tanky very easily. With no mana pool to keep track of, or any dashes to learn how to use, his only mechanic that is difficult to learn is how to farm to take advantage of his ability “Courage”. Once players get a hang of their kit, they should be able to slowly dominate the top lane.

Some matchups to watch out for Garen are Teemo, Darius, and Tryndamere. Teemo counters Garen due to his ability to blind champions, making their auto attacks deal no damage for a short period, causing Garen to have to play safe and look for openings in his opponent’s play. Darius can stop his passive healing and pull him out from out of the tower, though this matchup is more based on skill than anything else. Tryndamere is only a counter due to his ultimate making Garen’s deal no damage as Tryndamere refuses to die with his ultimate.

Jungle – Warwick

Though the jungle is often thought of as one of the hardest in the game, even those who have been playing for a long time. Warwick makes learning this role significantly easier. His simple abilities make it so clearing his jungle camps is simple, and learning his gank pattern is also simple. He can either build into a tank or deal damage, depending on what his team needs, or a hybrid of both. The only skill shot, or ability that he has to aim, is his ultimate, but even that has a very generous hitbox, making it very easy to land, even at long range.

His rough matchups are only those that can outrange him, champions like Taliyah, Kindred, or Ivern. Other than those champions, most matchups against the most common jungle champions are ones that he either goes even in or outright wins due to his early game being too oppressive for his opponents to match. As long as he keeps a high early tempo, his opponents should not have a chance to keep up.

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Mid Lane – Annie

League Of Legends Beginner Champion Annie
Credit: Riot Games

For beginner champions, Annie is the way to go. With a safe way to farm from a distance, a shield, an area of effect damage ability, and a point and click stun, her kit doesn’t get more simple than that. Her ultimate ability is a giant bear that can also stun enemies, and follows them around, even if Annie herself dies. The only complexity for Annie comes when you decide you use your stun, and how to build up her passive ability to get to that point. She’s good against both control mages and some assassins.

Some matchups that you should look out for if you do pick up Annie are Fizz, Zed, and Diana. Diana can get onto you with her multiple dashes and blow you up in an instant, even going through if you end up stunning her. Zed and Fizz both can go untargetable, potentially causing you to miss your stun, and then will proceed to use their full combos to kill you in the blink of an eye.

Bottom Lane – Ashe

The bottom lane is probably the second hardest, or hardest depending on who you ask, role to learn in the game. As a beginner, learning how to position in a team fight, farming minions, or when to use your ultimate are skills that come with time, but Ashe is one of the best to learn that with. Though she has no mobility, she does have a slow on each of her auto attacks, a global ultimate, and the ability to detect when someone is coming to gank her lane.

The hardest part of Ashe, like most champions in this role, is her lack of mobility. This allows assassins, junglers, or enemy top laners to get onto her if she’s not careful. If you do want to pick up this champion, learn how to space, auto-attack, kite your enemies, and how to farm to be a menace in the late game.

Support – Blitzcrank

Lastly, the most straightforward, and easiest to learn support is Blitzcrank. He has a hook, a knock-up, a speed boost, and an ultimate that both silences enemies and gets rid of their shields, making them take more damage from your team. Knowing who to hook, and at what time are key to this champion, because if you do hook in the wrong champion into your team, you may all die because of that decision. Keeping the carries of your team safe is also the job of this champion, making sure to hook enemies off of your teammates, saving them in the process.

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Hopefully, this guide to beginner champions helps any new players wanting to learn League of Legends. Once you get a hold of these champions, you can slowly learn more, and expand your champion pool. Good luck out on the rift!