Genshin Impact: How to travel to Tsurumi Island

how to travel to tsurumi island featured

Last Updated on: 25th October 2021, 05:12 am

The latest update for Genshin Impact brought us a whole new area to explore in Tsurumi Island, but first, we must travel to it. And similar to the previous update with Seirai Island, we need to complete some prerequisites before traveling to it.

Tsurumi Island introduces the dangerous Rifthounds, which leaves the whole party with the Corrosion status, similar to what we’ve seen in the previous Abyss 11. It also brings the new Fog mechanic to the game, which can make your adventuring a little bit more difficult.

To safely explore the new area, you must go through a whole questline which takes at least 4 days in real life time to complete. With each step concluded, the Island will allow you to discover more about its secrets and the mysterious Thunderbird, the creature referenced in the Thundering Fury artifact set.

READ MORE: Genshin Impact: How to find the Thunder Manifestation

How to travel to Tsurumi Island

In order to go to the new area, you must first complete the whole Seirai Stormchasers questline, which allows you to travel to Seirai Island and fight the Thunder Manifestation. If you’ve been keeping up with the content, you’re probably done with it.

You will receive the first part of the Through the Mists World Questline, in which you’ll be introduced to the island, by talking with Inazuma’s Katheryne. Go to Ritou and finally travel to it.

You’ll first notice that the island is covered in fog, but by following the questline, you’ll gradually remove it. Be careful to not wander too much inside the fog, or you’ll get lost and be thrown back to the Statue of the Seven.

The first day will revolve around helping young Ruu to complete the ritual to the Thunderbird, and by clearing the last step, the fog will be completely removed, allowing you to explore (almost) the whole island.

how to travel to tsurumi island map
Credit: miHoYo

How to get rid of the fog

After completing the quest and waiting for a Daily Reset, you’ll notice that the island is once again covered in fog. If you travel to Tsurumi Island again to follow the questline, you’ll dissipate it again.

Whenever you find yourself surrounded by fog, go to the nearest Stormstone and light it up with Electro (if needed) to avoid getting lost.

how to travel to tsurumi island fog
Credit: miHoYo

Now, you’ll start to find a different type of Treasure Chests, the Remarkable Chests, which contain exclusive Furniture for your Teapot, but no Primogems are included, sadly. New Remarkable Chests will spawn after each Reset following the completion of another step in the questline.

You’ll also receive the Peculiar Pinion Gadget, which allows you to interact with the Thunderbird Statues scattered around Tsurumi. By concluding the 4th day of the questline, in which you’ll finally quench the wrath of the Thunderbird, the fog will be permanently cleared.

After completing it, you can freely travel to Tsurumi Island without any issue, and you’ll be free to get all the chests you want. Take your time to complete all the exploration sidequests on the island, because there’s a lot of them.

READ MORE: Genshin Impact: How to solve the Electro element anomaly

Genshin Impact is currently on its 2.2 version, “Into the Perilous Labyrinth of Fog”, which introduces a whole new area to explore, as well as new enemies, weapons, events, and the return of previously limited characters and gadgets.

You can play the game for free on mobile devices including Android, iOS, Playstation 4, Playstation 5, and Pc on both miHoYo’s official launcher and Epic Games Store. A Nintendo Switch version is stated to be in development.