New gamemode Ultimate Spellbook in League of Legends

Sentinel of light event image used in Ultimate Spellbook piece

Last Updated on: 12th July 2021, 09:03 pm

League of legends recently launched their new gamemode Ultimate Spellbook. Its release coincides with their Sentinel of Light event and the release of new champion Akshan.

When you first load into the game when buying your starting items, you have a short period of time to select your second ultimate ability or ult-ernate. You will be given the choice out three from the Ultimate Spellbook list.

Ultimate Spellbook ulternate spell selection for ultimate spellbook piece
Ultimate Spell selection. Credit:

The complete Ultimate Spellbook list:

  • Ahri: Spirit Rush
  • Amumu: Curse of the Sad Mummy
  • Ashe: Enchanted Crystal Arrow
  • Azir: Emperor’s Divide
  • Bard: Tempered Fate
  • Cho’Gath: Feast
  • Ezreal: Trueshot Barrage
  • Fiddlesticks: Crowstorm
  • Gragas: Explosive Cask
  • Gwen: Needlework
  • Janna: Monsoon
  • Jarvan IV: Cataclysm
  • Jhin: Curtain Call
  • Karthus: Requiem
  • Kayle: Divine Judgment
  • Kayn: Umbral Trespass
  • Kha’Zix: Void Assault
  • Lee Sin: Dragon’s Rage
  • Lissandra: Frozen Tomb
  • Lucian: The Culling
  • Lulu: Wild Growth
  • Lux: Final Spark
  • Malzahar: Nether Grasp
  • Maokai: Nature’s Grasp
  • Miss Fortune: Time Bullet Time
  • Mordekaiser: Realm of Death
  • Morgana: Soul Shackles
  • Nocturne: Paranoia
  • Nunu: Absolute Zero
  • Olaf: Ragnarok
  • Rell: Magnet Storm
  • Rengar: Thrill of the Hunt
  • Shen: Stand United
  • Skarner: Impale
  • Soraka: Wish
  • Talon: Shadow Assault
  • Tryndamere: Undying Rage
  • Xerath: Rite of the Arcane
  • Yone: Fate Sealed
  • Zoe: Portal Jump
Sentinel of Light Riven image used in Ultimate Spellbook piece
Sentinel of Light Riven. Credit: Riot Games.

READ MORE: League of Legends: New Champion Akshan details

All the ultimate abilities scale with AD, AP and even health depending on the champion selected. This allows for the secondary ultimate abilities to reach insanely high damage.

The new gamemode ultimate spellbook is all about concocting the best combos possible by yourself but also with your team, so choose wisely. After playing a few games myself, I figured out some fun combos to try.

Here are a few of my top picks so far:

Lee Sin with Amumu’s Curse of the Sad Mummy.

The blind monk is well known for bringing an enemy out of position with his ultimate Dragon’s Rage, and it is easy enough to close enemies down with your Q or W. However, his Dragon’s Rage can sometimes be misplaced launching an enemy to safety rather than a free kill for your team. Amumu’s ultimate will lock everybody in place while you line up a nice kick for your teammates.

Pantheon with Shen’s Stand United or Nocturne’s Paranoia.

The unbreakable spear already allows summoners to get about the map faster than most champions with his ultimate Grand Starfall. Although, with help from the ultimate spellbook you can go from an engage bot side to top side in space of 5 seconds.

Ruined Pantheon skin used in Ultimate Spellbook piece
Ruined Pantheon. Credit: Riot Games.

READ MORE: League of Legends: Lucian ‘Crazy and Fun’ Vaporizer Build

Any ADC with Ashe’s Enchanted Crystal Arrow.

This one is little easier, but I found it fun to play another ADC and benefit from a good stun from an extra ability. This also applies a passive stack to Kai’sa allowing for even heavier burst.

Ekko with Skarner’s Impale and Teleport.

This combo is harder as it requires a specific spell as well as the right ultimate. The idea is that you would teleport to an enemy from your fountain when you have Ekko’s Chronobreak ready. You then Impale the enemy and press Ekko’s ultimate to quickly teleport you and the enemy back to your spawn where the unsuspecting victim should die immediately.

In any case, that’s what I came up with for Riot Games new gamemode Ultimate Spellbook. The temporary gamemode is a lot of fun, so make sure to get in some games while you can.