League of Legends’ Lucian is a fantastic champion with plenty of builds including the Vaporizer build. League of Legends is a game where the main purpose is to have fun and play around different builds and champions, something that is often forgotten or overlooked. Today, we’ll be taking a look at the Vaporizer Lucian Build.
Many people seem to stress out due to losing games or dying in the game. I want to refresh this approach with my Crazy and Fun series.
This series focus is on build that you can try out in non-ranked games for more fun and experimentation with the new, revamped itemization in League of Legends.
The Vaporizer Lucian Build Preview
The build relies heavily on all the armor penetration you can get with a bit of lethality wherever you can fit it. You start playing like a normal Lucian build, but then you are focusing mostly on using your Q and R, instead of AA. However do not be fooled, because you can still do a lot of damage by using your Auto Attacks with passive correctly. In the end, after a couple of items, you will be able to delete the full health bar, no matter what the enemy is.
Runes for The Vaporizer Lucian Build
The main focus of the runes is on getting the biggest burst possible, in addition to getting additional lethality from Sudden Impact. You can adjust The Eyeball Collection row to your preferences. On the second tree, you are getting the Manaflow Band for increased damage from Manamune. The statistics you are aiming for are the most AD possible. At the bottom, you can take either HP, Armor, or Magic Resist depending on the matchup.
- Dark Harvest – for the biggest one-shot potential
- Sudden Impact – Additional Lethality after using your dash. Perfect in combination with your Ultimate Ability
- Eyeball Collection – a bit more AD
- Ultimate Hunter – less cooldown on your R to melt the enemies
- Manaflow Band – Great synergy with Manamune/Muramana
- Gathering Storm – additional AD later on in the game

READ MORE: All Runes in League Of Legends
Items for The Vaporizer Lucian Build
You should start with a tear, for a faster power spike. I included all the necessary items in the first row. The second row is for alternatives or just options of finishing up the build.
After getting both the boots and Manamune, you should focus on getting your Mythic item as fast as possible. It will enhance your survivability as well as burst damage.
Then it is up to you which items and in which order you build, as long as they fit in the category of getting the most Armor Penetration and Lethality as possible.
- Ionian Boots of Lucidity – better cooldowns
- Boots of Swiftness – more mobility, better for kiting
- Manamune/Muramana – great damage and provides a lot of mana
- Eclipse – shield for survivability and armor penetration per item [Mythic Passive]
- Serylda’s Grudge – slow, great for kiting, a lot of armor penetration
- The Collector – great finishing tool
- Edge of Night – a shield against heavy engage
- Youmuu’s Ghostblade – even more mobility around the map
- Serpent’s Fang – shield destroyer

Final Thoughts on The Vanquisher Lucian
This Lucian Build is really interesting.
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It is not the best use of his abilities, but it is also not a troll build. With some practice, you can find this build great versus certain match-ups or enemy team compositions.
If you ever felt the need to become a machine gun, using Lucian’s Ultimate Ability with this build can fulfill that desire.