Bungie teases a date for more Witch Queen info

Last Updated on: 9th July 2021, 01:56 am

Bungie has been shy with information about the next Destiny expansion, The Witch Queen, as we’ve been shown very little about what the next expansion will entail. All we know is that The Witch Queen will be the climax of an ongoing storyline involving the mysterious Savathun, as we’ll finally be taking the fight to her doorstep, presumably.

Since the Red War portion of Destiny 2, Savathun has been in the background, slowly sewing chaos in the various story beats we’ve had since about the end of the Forsaken period of content (just making guesses, please don’t hurt me). For the longest time, I and the rest of the Destiny community have been wondering when we were going to kick down the door to another giant Tombship and get “Queen’s Fall” finally.

Witch hunt

On Bungie Day, in a post on their website, Bungie announced that August 24th will have more information regarding the future of Destiny:

We hope you can join us on August 24 for some exciting news about the future of Destiny. These are our favorite times, and we look forward to sharing more with you, but for now… no spoilers.  

The quote above was followed by the picture below, showing a clear image of Savathun’s Hive sigil dead center.

An image teasing the day more information about The Witch Queen will be revealed by Bungie.
August 24th is the day Bungie will announce Destiny 2 II, where you’ll have to throw away all your gear again.
Credit: Bungie

I think it’s safe to say that Bungie is gonna give players a peek in the oven while the expansion is still being worked on. Given that The Witch Queen was supposed to be out this year, it’s not surprising that Bungie has at least something to show players before it drops next year.

READ MORE: Destiny 2: More Moon weapons are being reintroduced

Where are we going though?

A Hunter armor set from The Witch Queen expansion, the last thing teased by Bungie.
The only tragedy about this armor is that it’s not for Warlocks. Sorry guys.
Credit: Bungie

The last time we received any kind of update regarding The Witch Queen was when Bungie gave a sneak peek to players with the slick armor set you see above, as well as showing concepts for the other armor sets as well. It looks fucking gorgeous and only makes me excited to see what sort of aesthetic we’re getting regarding weapons and gear.

The wait for The Witch Queen has been arduous, and we only have had the past couple of seasons to tide us over, which have been decent but not substantial enough in my opinion. While the last two seasons have had some pretty interesting story bits for players to enjoy, there’s something different when it comes to new content brought about by expansions. Here’s to hoping that August 24th gives us something to look forward to for the upcoming year.

By the way, you can take “Queen’s Fall” as the raid name Bungie, just give me an acknowledgment and maybe an exotic named after me.

READ MORE: Destiny 2: The Hidden Truth of Lakshmi