How to Teleport In Minecraft 2023 – a straightforward How-To Essential Guide

How to teleport in minecraft

Last Updated on: 17th February 2023, 02:23 pm

We all love Minecraft, however, it’s impossible to know what’s around every corner. With so much to do at every turn, and a vast landscape to explore, it’s important to learn how to teleport in Minecraft.

Just when you think you’ve seen it all, a single set of coordinates could transport you to a world unlike any other!

So let’s get back to basics, and learn this essential skill to fully optimize your Minecraft experience.

How to teleport in Minecraft

how to teleport in minecraft
Credit: Mojang

First things first, the only way you will be able to teleport yourself in Minecraft, is by either enabling cheats, or by being a server administrator. Without either of those, what you’re about to read will be pretty much useless.

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To enable cheats before you can learn how to teleport in Minecraft, is really straightforward:

  • Open up the game.
  • Click Single-player
  • Click Create New World.
  • Switch on Allow Cheats option
  • Click Create New World again

Once in your world, begin by clicking either the right D-pad button on your controller or the T button on your keyboard.

Credit: Mojang

By entering the following commands within the chat/command box, you will enable the ability to teleport:

  • /tp (destination) – This command will teleport you to another player by inserting the player’s username after the /tp command
  • /tp (location) – By entering a set of coordinates after /tp, you can swiftly teleport yourself to a specific location
  • /tp (targets) (destination) – It could be deemed rather irritating if used incorrectly. This command will transport a player to the location of another player.
  • /tp (targets) (location) (rotation) – This command will teleport a player to a set of coordinates. Upon doing so it will rotate where they are facing.
  • /tp (targets) (location) facing (facinglocation) – This command will teleport a player to the set of coordinates but will face them in the direction of another set of coordinates.

It is worth remembering that with cheats active, achievements won’t count.

And that’s it, how to teleport in Minecraft in a few easy steps.

Minecraft is available to play now on PC, Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, PlayStation, Steam, and Nintendo Switch