Genshin Impact: Behind the scenes for the creation of Azhdaha

Azhdaha in Genshin Impact, used for Behind the Scenes Creation of Azhdaha video article

Last Updated on: 17th July 2021, 06:02 pm

Genshin Impact official Youtube recently put out a Behind the Scenes video about the development and creation of weekly boss Azhdaha.

The video is a very interesting almost 23 minute long piece that covers quite a lot of the design and implementation of Azhdaha

Genshin Impact behind the scenes, The Creation of Azhdaha

You can find the video below, to see for yourself. If you’re particularly interested in either game design work, boss encounters or simply Genshin Impact itself, this could be worth a watch for you.

Note that you will likely want to enable subtitles/closed captions unless you can speak Chinese, or you may struggle to understand what is said.

READ MORE: Genshin Impact: How to repair the game files on PC?

If the video embed above is ever seemingly not working for you, you can also find it available here at this link. Azhdaha is certainly an interesting bit of boss design – if a bit too tanky for me to fully enjoy attempting to murder him with my current builds.

Never-the-less, any future game devs looking for a masterclass in boss visual design need look no further – any inspirations or process notes you can take from this video will likely serve you well in the future.

Genshin1.5 Azhdaha
While what species Azhdaha is isn’t exactly the clearest to the player immediately, his design conveys two other things very well. Big. And threatening.

Is there anything else to know?

I would recommend taking a brief glance at the video if you’re on the fence to see if you find it interesting, it is certainly a well detailed behind the scenes look that most games simply do not seem to offer on anywhere near a comparable scale.

That’s really about everything I have to say regarding this behind the scenes look at the creation of Azhdaha for Genshin Impact, though if you’d be interested in more coverage of Genshin Impact, we have that available right here on The Click, and you can find more written by me specifically at the page here.