Genshin Impact 2.7: Yelan and Xiao now available in Test Run

Last Updated on: 29th June 2022, 06:31 pm

With the new 2.7 patch comes a set of test run challenges, and as this patch is a double banner in Genshin Impact, both Yelan and Xiao are here.

Genshin Impact 2.7 Trial Run characters, including Xiao and Yelan

As of the new patch launched today, the new test runs include Yelan, the new Hydro bow character, Xiao, an anemo polearm user, and Yanfei, a Pyro catalyst four star.

test run screen featuring yelan, yanfei and xiao in genshin impact 2.7 patch update
Credit: HoYoverse, TheClick.GG

Even if you already know who you’re wishing for in the first set of banners on the Genshin Impact 2.7 launch day, you’ll still want to complete both Xiao and Yelan test runs, as each has a reward of 20 Primogems for what is effectively a one-minute activity – twice as good as your usual daily commission Primogem rate.

This will also be the first hands-on experience most players can get with Yelan, so if you’re curious about who to wish for on the 2.7 banner, now is an excellent time to try out both the available 5-star characters and see who grabs you more.

It’s essential to be well informed before you destroy your hard-earned stockpile of intertwined fates from the 2.6 extended Ayaka banner event after all.

Unlike Ayaka though, Yelan and Xiao are only here for the usual timeframe of 3 weeks. That means if you want them and the test run free Primogem rewards that come with them, you’ve not got as much time as you did last banner to grab them.

Good luck on your banner wishing Travellers, and make sure to check out the constellations the new character Yelan has, to help see if you want to roll for her multiple times.

There are certainly some interesting ones in there, though this is only really a relevant consideration if you have plenty of Primogems and fates to earn, because getting a 5 star character once can sometimes be a struggle.