Fortnite unvaults Heavy Sniper Rifle but nerfs headshot damage

Last Updated on: 9th April 2022, 05:52 pm

Fans of the Heavy Sniper Rifle will probably love and hate the recent patch (v20.10 update) of Fortnite as the weapon has been brought back to the loot pool but with some damage nerf. 

Known for its ability to one-shot headshot opponents, the weapon is now available in Rare, Epic, and Legendary rarities, and players can get the sniper rifle from chests, rare chests, and supply drops. 

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The weapon’s body shot damage is high around 126, and players can still use it to one-shot walls like they could. It also deals massive damage to buildings, tanks, and other vehicles. 

However, this may no longer be exactly the Heavy Sniper Rifle that players used to love. One major nerf to it is that it now deals only 198 damage for the headshot. This means that players will no longer be able to one-shot headshot players and NPCs alike. 

Heavy Sniper Rifle
Credit: McCreamy

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Introduced in Season 5, it can be recalled that the Heavy Sniper Rifle was vaulted in Patch 11.0 to free up space, but also probably because some players thought that it was overpowered. 

Fortnite is a massive online shooter game developed by Epic Games and was released in 2017. It comes in 3 Game Modes: Save the World, Battle Royale, and Creative. Battle Royale and Creative are available on Playstation, Xbox, Nintendo Switch, and PC. The game mode Save the World is only available on PC and Console Platforms.