Destiny 2: How to get Stasis Affinity armor


Last Updated on: 15th November 2021, 07:12 am

Destiny 2 had some fresh life breathed into it when the Stasis energy type was introduced and it was a matter of time before armor received the same treatment. In Season of the Lost, Bungie has implemented Stasis into Destiny 2‘s elemental affinity system, which is found on armor. Elemental affinities on armor dictate not only what kinds of mods can be used but can also increase resistance to that particular energy type; as it stands, it can definitely spice up certain builds by offering a mix of mods and resistances.

So let’s say, for instance, you’re one of those Hunters that loves to style on people in Crucible with the Revenant subclass. You’ve got the weapons, mods, and maybe even an exotic or two in mind to really bring the pain to those poor Warlocks and Titans. But you’re not sure what to do for your armor pieces; maybe there are some mods you want that require a specific elemental affinity, but you’re not sure how to get them. What do you do?

READ MORE: Destiny 2: Ascendant Realms and Ley Lines

Embrace the grind mindset

Destiny 2 elemental affinity cost
Credit: Bungie

You’ve got two options when it comes to obtaining specific elemental affinities for armor: one is to spend resources to change the affinity on a piece of armor. The cost will change depending on what energy level the piece of armor is at, so you’ll either just be spending an upgrade module or that and several equally expensive materials. For example, a fully masterworked piece of gear (so energy level 10) will cost:

  • 25,000 Glimmer
  • One Upgrade Module
  • 25 Legendary Shards
  • 3 Enhancement Cores
  • 3 Enhancement Prisms
  • One Ascendent Shard

Obtaining the various materials aren’t too difficult, but they will take plenty of time; your best bet would be to run any activity that grants materials as a reward, like Legend Lost Sectors or Nightfalls.

READ MORE: Destiny 2: Dungeon releases to be monetized in the future

Your other option, which is much more tedious is just to grind out playlist activities and accumulate gear that way; in my opinion, the best playlist to choose would be the Strike playlist, as you’re able to practically swim in the gear that drops from enemies. A few runs should net you plenty of gear, but the downside is that it might be a while before you get not just the affinity you want, but the specific armor piece as well. Worst comes to worst, you could always get a piece of gear that isn’t too expensive to just change the elemental affinity on.

If you’re doing Strikes, in particular, you’ll also get packages from Zavala when you’ve earned enough reputation, which will increase the chances of getting armor pieces and mods.

Mixing and matching affinities might sound strange to newcomers, but the mod system in Destiny encourages mixing and matching mods to suit your playstyle. Armor that carries the Stasis affinity can use mods that allow for more ability usage, which is pretty useful for almost every encounter in Destiny. As an example, arm pieces that have the Stasis affinity have mods that affect grenades and melee respectively; they allow you to recover some energy after exhausting either ability. When specced properly and paired with some weapons perks, these mods can grant you your abilities much faster.

That’s just one set of mods for one armor piece and keep in mind that you can apply these mods to any equipped subclass. Diversity is pretty rampant with the variety of combinations available, so get to experimenting, Guardians.

Take those Hunters down a peg or two.