League Of Legends MSI 2022 Day Two Recap

Evil Geniuses and ORDER on stage at MSI 2022

Day two of the League of Legends MSI 2022 tournament is here. The action continued in Busan, South Korea.

The rivalry between Turkey and CBLOL continued with RED Canids taking on the fastPay Wildcats, and the battle for the West between North America and Europe among other matchups took center stage today.

READ MORE: League of Legends MSI 2022 Day One Recap

MSI 2022 Day Two Recap:

  • G2 Esports > Evil Geniuses
  • ORDER < Evil Geniuses
  • Saigon Buffalo > DetonatioN FocusMe
  • Team Aze < T1
  • fastPay Wildcats > RED Canids
  • PSG Talon < Royal Never Give Up

Turkey And CBLOL Go Head To Head

fastPay Wildcats on stage during Day 2 of MSI 2022
fastPay Wildcats On-Stage During Day 2 of MSI 2022.

Day two of MSI 2022 was the first of two matchups where CBLOL, the Brazilian League of Legends league, will go against the TCL, the League of Legends league from Turkey. These two leagues have a very long history, with teams from each league respectively taking the other out at MSI or at the World Championships.

After a monologue detailing the history of the two leagues at international events from hosts Yinsu “Yinsu” Collins and Trevor “Quickshot” Henry, RED Canids and fastPay Wildcats took to the stage. Initially, the game didn’t seem like it would deliver on the hype. The game had a slow start, with both teams not delivering on the hype that preceded the game.

Halfway through the game, it all changed, with both teams scrapping at every possible moment. The gold graph, which told the amount of money teams had in relation to each other, looked like a rollercoaster once the game reached the fourteen-minute mark.

After the final team fight, the team from the TCL, the fastPay Wildcats finished the game, and in turn, took the first game in the first of many international battles this year between the two leagues.

READ MORE: League Of Legends MSI 2022 Schedule Released

Day three of the League of Legends MSI 2022 tournament continues with ORDER taking on Evil Geniuses at 1 AM PST/ 4 AM EST/ 9 AM GMT. For all the rewards for watching live, as well as replays after the games have finished, make sure to tune in at lolesports.com.