Hogwarts Legacy: Raising Expectations achievement guide

Raising Expectations Hogwarts Legacy achievement guide title

Last Updated on: 24th February 2023, 07:34 pm

Raising Expectations is a Hogwarts Legacy achievement for reaching a 100 combo without interruption. That may sound difficult, but there are some ways to make it extremely easy to achieve.

Due to the various enemy types in the game, naturally, some are better suited for this than others. Anything you fight has to be able to survive long enough that you don’t kill them all before you reach a 100 combo after all.

It just so happens that a particular type of enemy in Hogwarts Legacy, Inferi, are ideal for building hit streaks on as they resist most damage, and thus perfect for the Raising Expectations achievement. The fact they aren’t particularly threatening and can be found quite early on helps further.

How to get the Raising Expectations achievement

While this method can be done with any Inferi encounter in Hogwarts Legacy, at least one group is suited to do this very early in the game, making it one of the best options for most if not all players.

Starting from Hogsmeade village, follow the road heading north across the river. Far enough north leads into the Forbidden Forest, but prior to that you can find a level 20 Poacher camp along the road. The camp is easily avoidable, but it is close to the area used for this achievement guide.

Just north-east of the camp is a treasure vault on the side of a ledge face, on the cliff above the Forbidden Forest area nearby. This vault is guarded by a handful of Inferi, and be reached with little issue at any point from the first time you reach Hogsmeade.

Credit: Warner Bros. Games, Youtube: @Fjarunsigr

If like me, you don’t have access to Incendio when you try this method, you can still kill Inferius to make it easier to manage a group of them. As shown in the video above, they are still vulnerable to ancient magic, so you can easily execute one or two of them with that during the fight to minimize disruption.

You only really need one of them alive to be able to reach the achievement, so killing most of them isn’t an issue. As long as you don’t “accidentally” kill the last one with ancient magic as well.

READ MORE: Hogwarts Legacy: Like a Moth to a Frame Guide

Credit: Warner Bros. Games, Youtube: @Fjarunsigr

Most of your combo streak for the Raising Expectations achievement will come from basic cast attacks. Throwing other spells into the mix is only really necessary to lock down an Inferi trying to attack you while you build up the combo, or to speed up your animations while doing so.

This is also a pretty nice way to train up your attacking and Protego timing in Hogwarts Legacy, if you leave enough Inferi alive to give you a bit of a challenge.

Regardless, all you need to finish the achievement is a single Inferius alive to bully with basic cast attacks. Remember to dodge or defend yourself with Protego shields to avoid your combo getting reset upon taking damage.