What does Umanite look like in Deep Rock Galactic?

mining umanite in deep rock galactic

Last Updated on: 24th June 2022, 05:44 am

Umanite is one of the various crafting materials in Deep Rock Galactic, so you’ll want to know how it looks, to gather this material.

How does Umanite look in Deep Rock Galactic?

Umanite is an exclusively green crystalline pillar that is often found either jutting upwards or running along the ground with inclines of various angles away from it. It is rarely, if ever, seen anywhere other than the ground, making it easier to locate during regular gameplay than many other crafting material minerals in Deep Rock.

Unlike a similar crystalline mineral, Hollomite, Umanite is not a secondary objective resource. It is instead used for the in-game store and crafting purposes, making it far more valuable and typically more scarce as well.

a umanite crystal in deep rock galactic
Credit: TheClick.GG, Coffee Stain Publishing

Like other crystals such as the previously mentioned Hollomite, Umanite must be mined out to be of any use.

Depending on how it spawns, it can sometimes be faster to mine Umanite out at the bottom to cause the rest of the mineral to collapse when it is unsupported, though with certain angles enough of the crystal will be touching the ground to make this impossible and it will have to be mined manually in such cases.

Umanite is found most abundantly in the Radioactive Exclusion zone, but also makes appearances as a scarce resource in other areas including the Dense Biozone and Glacial Strata.

Make sure to deposit any Umanite found into Molly the Mule. There are no particular rewards for reaching a set amount of Umanite unlike secondary objective resources, but you’ll find that you need quite a bit of this for various reasons over time anyway, so stocking up on it in advance will help out later.

And if you end up with too much, you can always sell it off to make some extra credits for your time.