Genshin Impact Housing System Guide: How to unlock, Furnishings, Trust Rank, Adeptal Mirror, and more


Last Updated on: 23rd March 2022, 04:54 pm

Introduced in Genshin Impact Version 1.5, the Housing System feature allows players to create their own home and design it as they see fit.

This is an exciting feature for those who wish to express themselves by creating their own space, pretty much like how we decorate our own rooms. 

Credit: PCGamesn

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Unlocking the Housing System 

This feature can be unlocked by completing the quest A Teapot to Call Home. After completing the quest, you will acquire the Serenitea Pot, the item that serves as the portal to the housing realm. However, it’s important to note that the quest will only be unlocked if your Adventure Rank is 35 or higher.  

While inside, the Teapot Spirit Tubby will greet you. Tubby will also provide you with access to various features of Housing such as Trust Rank, Realm Layouts, Furniture Crafting, and the Realm Depot. 


While inside the Serenitea Pot, not only can players place furniture and decorate their rooms or houses, but they can also place buildings, animals, and even geological features, practically about anything according to their tastes. 

Simply put, Furnishings are the things that players can create and place inside the realm. Of course, you can’t just put a limitless number of furnishings inside. There is a limit. Load, which is also known as Furnishing Capacity, indicates how many more furnishings players can place. Depending on the size and/or need for animations, each furnishing has its own load value. 

But how are these Furnishings acquired? 

There are a couple of ways. It can be through increasing Trust Rank, completing Adeptal Mirror missions, participating in events and world quests, and exchanging Realm Currency from the Realm Depot or Teapot Traveling Salesman

Genshin Impact Serenitea Pot indoors Scenery 1
Genshin Impact Serenitea Pot indoors Scenery 1, Credit: miHoYo

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Trust Rank

Trust Rank is increased by obtaining Trust from creating Furnishings for the first time. To create Furnishings, you simply have to speak with the Teapot Spirit Tubby and access Creation. After selecting the required materials for the Furnishings that you want, you will have to wait 12-16 hours for them to be created.  

Adeptal Mirror

Just like the Adventurer Handbook you’ve been using since the early parts of the game, the Adeptal Mirror has missions that will give you different rewards. But while the former is for missions in Teyvat, the latter is for missions in the Serenitea Pot that give Furnishing Blueprints and Furnishings as rewards. 

Realm Currency 

Realm Currency is used to exchange items at the Realm Depot (accessible by speaking with Tubby) and the Teapot Traveling Salesman Chubby, another Teapot Spirit Bird who occasionally drops by. The Realm Currency generates over time depending on the Adeptal Energy in your realm and is collected from Tubby.  

Adeptal Energy 

Adeptal Energy can be acquired by simply placing different kinds of Furnishing in your realm. The Adeptal Energy bonus depends on the kind of item that you have currently set. This means that removing Furnishing will also decrease your Adeptal Energy. 

Credit: Gurugamer

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One of the most exciting things about the Housing System is its capacity to allow not just the main character, but also other characters, inside the realm.

Not only that, while in the realm, you can interact with these characters as they generate Companionship EXP over time. Just like the generation of Realm Currency, the generation of this EXP depends on Adeptal Energy Rank

It’s important to note that different characters have different tastes in furniture sets. When invited to these furniture sets, the specified characters will have a special dialogue and gift you one-time rewards.  

Moreover, characters will be counted towards the total Load of the area they are placed in.