Pokemon Go: Growlithe spotlight hour, doubled catch Stardust

Growlithe in the Pokemon anime

Last Updated on: 22nd March 2022, 10:54 pm

The midway spotlight hour for March 2022 will feature Growlithe, the Puppy Pokemon, as well as the always-useful doubled catch Stardust.

What can we expect from the Growlithe spotlight in Pokemon Go?

For those of you not familiar with spotlight hours, I’ll provide a brief overview here – if you are familiar with them already, you know what to expect by now. Scroll down to below the image to see when the spotlight hour is in that case.

Now, to summarise these events. Imagine the spawn-replacing that a Community Day event does, and apply it for a one-hour window of gameplay. This is what spotlight hours are, in effect. They replace all wild-spawned Pokemon with a specified one for one hour – well, almost all. I have seen some bugged ones break into spotlights before, but that is rare at least.

This means that if you’re a Growlithe enjoyer – and believe me, I am, enough to include its evolved form Arcanine in my “player as a villain” team lineup – this event will be a great time for you. If not, then it may still be worth attending regardless thanks to the sheer value added by the Doubled capture stardust bonus.

Growlithe in the Pokemon anime
Credit: Bulbapedia, the Pokemon Company

READ MORE: Pokemon Go: Does Shiny rate change during Spotlight Hours?

When is the Growlithe spotlight hour?

The Growlithe spotlight hour in Pokemon Go starts on March 15th at 6:00 PM local time, and as you may expect given the name, runs until 7:00 PM local time the same day. This duration applies to both the Growlithe spawns as well as the doubled catch stardust bonus, so make sure to attend if you’re hoping to take advantage of either of those effects.

Is there anything else to mention?

That’s really all there is to say for a Spotlight hour, except that it is worth mentioning you can also use these events to farm for shiny Pokemon if you want the shiny version of the featured one. While there isn’t a bonus to shiny rate specifically, the much higher spawn rate makes farming for it significantly easier than normal.

With that spotlight hour now addressed, if you’re interested you can find more Pokemon Go articles, stories and guides on The Click right here, and if you’ve enjoyed my work specifically you can find more articles written by me are available here.