Genshin Impact: How to get gifts from Teapot characters

gift conversations in Genshin Impact

Last Updated on: 6th December 2021, 02:31 pm

Genshin Impact has a Teapot housing system that brings plenty to the game, including Gifts that feature various free items and Primogems.

How to get Gifts from Teapot characters in Genshin Impact

Each character you place into your Teapot will have a few gifts they can give you. These gifts will typically consist of Mora, some useful items for ascension or talent level-ups and some Primogems. While they aren’t the fastest way in the game to get Primogems, if you want something to do with your Teapot realm, it’s a good way to earn some regardless.

To get these gifts, you have to complete Furniture sets that a character likes – these sets can be found in the second grouping under the “Outdoor sets” or “indoor sets” decorating tab while inside the teapot – remember that you’ll only see Indoor or Outdoor depending on which you are, so you will have more set options than can be shown at any given moment due to this.

gift area placement in Genshin Impact
Credit: miHoYo

Once you select one of the gift sets from the list, you’ll be shown the screen that lists the decorations you’ll need to assemble the set – and what characters have gifts from it.

In the screenshot below, the gifts for Rosaria and Kaeya are complete, while Diluc and Venti haven’t yet used this set to give a gift to the player.

check who uses this gift area in Genshin Impact
Credit: miHoYo

When you have successfully built a gift area, you’ll get a pop up on the map appear when a character visits one – be aware that only one gift event can be pending at a time, so if your goal is to obtain a specific one, you’ll need to clear out any pending ones first.

If you can’t find the pending gift, it may be inside or outside your Teapot mansion, whichever you are not currently looking in.

companion gifts shown on map
Credit: miHoYo

When you do find them, you’ll be granted a small set of gifts as mentioned above – nothing particularly impressive, but when you clear out full decorations worth of gifts at once it quickly adds up to useful amounts of Mora, Materials and of course Primogems.

There is also a unique conversation for each character and gift set combination in the Teapot, so its more time you get to spend with your favourite characters on top of the free items.

gift reward in genshin impact
Credit: miHoYo

Is there anything else?

That’s all there is to it for Teapot gifts in Genshin Impact, just get the correct set and a matching character and go claim your rewards – it should be noted you do need the visiting character for them to appear, and they must be placed in your Teapot realm for them to appear at the gift set location.

If you’d be interested in more, you can find it in our Genshin Impact section here, and you can find more articles written by me specifically on my author page.

And if you haven’t tried Genshin Impact yet, you can play the game for free on mobile devices including Android and iOS alongside consoles such as Playstation 4, Playstation 5 and Pc on both miHoYo’s official launcher and Epic Games Store. A Nintendo Switch version is stated to be in development.