Who is Arataki Itto, a possible future character in Genshin Impact

arataki itto featured

Last Updated on: 26th August 2021, 07:35 pm

A common strategy used by gacha games is to release many attractive female characters, since they usually sell better. This usually ends up in the game having an unbalanced number of males x females.

Genshin Impact suffers from this problem. Of the (currently) 36 obtainable characters, only 12 are male. Since 6 of them are limited characters, only 6 of them are actually available for wishing right now. More male characters have been demanded since the game’s release.

While we know that Garou and Thoma are coming and might be our new males 4-stars, they might find a new fellow male character in Arataki Itto.

Who is Arataki Itto?

He is described as a competitive and passionate man, while also being tall and intimidating. Arataki seems to be part of a gang, and has Kuki Ninja as a sidekick. Sayu comments on both of them in her voicelines, complaining about how Arataki is noisy. 

He seems to have a soft side for children, since he is usually seen playing with them in the streets, as mentioned by Yoimiya in her voicelines. Some Inazuman NPCs also have some dialogue mentioning a tall guy who matches his profile. 

arataki itto dialogue
Some of the dialogues about the incognito guy. Credit: miHoYo

Based on the description given by NPCs, he has two horns, indicating he’s an oni. This is reinforced by one of the messages we can see left by himself on a board in Ritou, where he calls himself Arataki “The Oni Sumo King” Itto.

These messages are usually about challenging Kujou Sara, the one who took his vision, to a duel for revenge. Sara usually leaves him a reply, so she has, at the very least, some interest in him. Maybe something more? Her character stories will soon show us more

While he lost his vision to the Hunt Decree, he doesn’t seem to have been affected, different from some characters shown in the Main Quest were. He still keeps his fiery personality. Maybe it’s because of his oni blood, or he might have already got his Vision back somehow.

The following Twitter thread by the user Lime has a compilation of all of Itto and Sara’s interactions through the Ritou boards. You can check these for yourself in game if you want.

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Is his model in-game yet?

Currently no. There is an unnamed character model leaked around 1 month ago, but it doesn’t match the description given for him. The model doesn’t have horns and is not intimidating in any way. It could even be a fake, since it doesn’t have many reliable sources.

But something curious about his model is that he might be the first playable character to use the “buff” body type, reserved to NPCs like Wagner from Mondstadt and Cyrus from the Adventurer’s Guild.

All of his descriptions mention him as a tall and intimidating guy. Being also an Oni means he should be strong. Why not just give the man a buff body? People have demanded that since the game’s release.

But we might see him soon. Apparently, the 3-view drawings of Itto and Yae were already copyrighted by miHoYo, according to the known leaker Sukuna. This is not an official confirmation for him, but ends up being good news for future Arataki Itto mains.


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Which will be his weapon and Vision?

A recent leak indicates that he wields a Geo Vision, but is highly questionable, so for all we know, he might even be a Dendro user oni. 

The supposed leak about his vision. Credit: Wangsheng Funeral Parlor discord

The translation is the following, courtesy of Esperance of the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor Translation Team:

Itto’s element is Geo, and I didn’t see the rest, so I’m not sure. I’ll keep lazing around in the meantime. Some people DM’d me recently asking about Scaramouche. The question was asked in both Chinese and English and it’s pretty interesting. I don’t see anything about Scaramouche and Yae being in a banner for now. Don’t need to DM me, I don’t really look at those anyway. I’m running. Lmao

But remember, he lost his vision to the Decree. He might have already got it back, but we don’t know anything about it, nor about his weapon. If he ends up being a buff guy, Claymores would suit him perfectly, but I can see this big oni hot-blooded guy wielding anything but Catalysts. 

Could he be the first visionless character miHoYo released? We were never told that we could only play characters with Visions. He has a gang, so who knows? He might even fight with his bare fists, just like the Anemo Fatui Skirmisher.

Personally, I wouldn’t believe he would end up being visionless. The final act of Inazuma might end up with Raiden giving back all the visions she confiscated, so he would be back to his prime. 

But using his body as a weapon is still a possibility. In the Teyvat Chapter Storyline Preview, we can see Iansan representing Natlan, the Pyro region. Her design is similar to martial artist characters, and many have speculated that she might fight using her fists.

Iansan as show in the trailer. Credit: miHoYo

She is also 99% confirmed to be playable, since all the other characters shown in regions we’ve already been through (Diluc, Ningguang and Ayaka) are available for wishing. Arataki Itto might be the first “fighter type” character, or might even introduce a new weapon like gloves.

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When is Arataki Itto coming?

We can’t be certain, but as mentioned before, it should not take much longer. Even if he doesn’t appear as a playable character, he might have some kind of impact during the story. 

We should be looking at Kujou Sara’s profile when she releases, as she had the most interactions with him to this moment. If she ends up having a Hangout Event or World Quest, this would be the perfect chance to introduce Itto.

There is also the (small) possibility of him not even being playable at all, and play only small parts on side stories in Inazuma. I wouldn’t bet my coins on that, but miHoYo likes to make some little surprises.

Some characters mentioned in voicelines like Varka, Yaoyao, and Yuijin are not expected to come in the near future, so don’t be surprised if he isn’t announced anytime soon. 

2.2 leaks will soon start to surface, and he might be present in it. And if he isn’t, we have more time to save gems for the good oni boi.

Genshin Impact is currently at the end of the 2.0 version, “The Immovable God and the Eternal Euthymia”, which brought us the long-awaited Inazuma region. And along with it, many new characters, enemies, puzzles and areas to explore.

You can play the game for free right now on mobile devices (Android and iOS), PCs through both the miHoYo launcher or the Epic Games Store launcher, Playstation 4 and Playstation 5. A Nintendo Switch version is stated to be in development.