Genshin Impact 2.1 leaks: New look at the Electro Oceanid and the Hydro Hypostasis

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Last Updated on: 3rd August 2021, 11:06 pm

As new leaks about the next update of Genshin Impact surface, players get even more excited (or scared) for the arrival of the new bosses: The Electro Oceanid and the Hydro Hypostasis. These will be the new enemies required to defeat in order to ascend the new characters, Baal, Kujou Sara and Sangonomiya Kokomi.

Both bosses will be found on the new island areas, the also previously leaked Watatsumi Island and the Seirai Island. They all will be made available during the 2.1 version.

Information on the Electro Oceanid and the Hydro Hypostasis

This new leaked image comes from the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor discord, known as a center for leaks and other information about the game. They show us the Archive description for the new bosses, and we can have a good look at their models.

electro oceanid and hydro hypostasis
Credit: Wangsheng Funeral Parlor

READ MORE: Genshin Impact 2.1 leaks: New areas, Hydro Hypostasis and Fishing system

Reddit user u/PrestigeZyra provided us with a rough translation of the image, and it tells us about some of their attacks:

From what I understand, the texts say something like {the “electro oceanid” (maybe it’s better to call it the thundernid or something) doesn’t have as much wisdom and memory capacity as the oceanid, it’s more a form of pure rage. Just as the ceaseless anger resonates throughout the earth, perhaps the roar of thunder will never end.

The “electro oceanid” a manifestation of bitter thunder. Using “thundercall” and “detection needle” to lock onto enemies. If there is an enemy nearby that it has locked onto, it will go into a rampaging state, prioritising the annihilation of said enemy.

The hydro hypostasis has the natural power of water that is to flush out impurities. It will emotionlessly “eject/banish” those that are nearby”

The hydro hypostasis has cubes that protect the core. Strike the core when it is exposed. Prevent it from reviving by killing the spawned “droplets” when it is low.}

This is a rough translation but all the other stuff is just fluff about “the endless anger of thunder” or “the water of the hydro hypostasis” etc.

Thanks to this translation, we can understand some of the new bosses abilities, like the “rampaging state” of the Electro Oceanid (which seems to be known as Thunder Manifestation) and the revival mechanic of the Hydro Hypostasis.

If you’re going for any of the new characters in 2.1, be ready to fight them for quite some time. Cryo is expected to be useful against both of these bosses, so you should be good if you got Ayaka, or you can just level up your free Aloy if you’re a console player.

READ MORE: Genshin Impact Aloy: Skills descriptions and splash art leaked

Genshin Impact is currently on its 2.0 version, “The Immovable God and the Eternal Euthymia”, which introduced new characters, new weapons and an entirely new region for exploration, along with many new systems and enemies.

You can play the game for free on mobile devices, Playstation 4, Playstation 5 and Pcs on both miHoYo’s official launcher and Epic Games Store. A Nintendo Switch version is stated to be in development.