Will Yoimiya be the Best Elemental DPS in Genshin Impact?

Yoimiya DPS Genshin

Last Updated on: 6th July 2021, 09:04 pm

Genshin Impact’s version 2.0 (1.7) is almost here, featuring not only three new playable characters, but also the debut of the highly anticipated region of Inazuma in the game.

And among the newly revealed characters, none caught the eye of the fanbase more than Yoimiya, Inazuma’s best pyrotechnician, the Owner of Naganohara Fireworks, and the game’s newest 5-star Pyro DPS, thanks to her amazing kit and playstyle. 

But, will Yoimiya be able to surpass Hu Tao as the game’s best Elemental DPS?

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Playstyle and Strengths

According to her leaked stats, talents, and constellations on Honey Impact, Yoimiya will have a base ATK of 323, which can be considered high when compared to the highest base ATK among the characters in the game, which are Xiao, which 349, and Eula, with 342. Not only that, but she will also have a Crit Rate substat, ideal for damage dealers.

According to Honey Impact, her constellations will be focused on increasing her normal attack damage as well as her overall elemental damage, which, when combined with her elemental skill ”Teika fire Dance” which coats her normal attacks in Pyro and increases their damage up to at least 137% of her normal Attack, puts her in the top shelf in the DPS department.

With that said, her playstile will be heavily focused on her normal attacks, by making use of her elemental skill to enhance then, ando f reaction to take their damage input even further.

Also according to the leaks, her second passive talent ”Tricks of the Trouble-Maker” will increase her Pyro Damage Bonus by 1% for each shot fired on enemies, up to 10 stacks will be able to be carried, and they will be refreshed every time an enemy is hit or dissipate after 3 seconds if not renowned.

Yoimiya genshin banner
Yoimiya during her Elemental Skill ”Teika fire Dance”. Credit: Dimbreath,

Her Elemental Burst ”Sixfraga Ryukin” will allow her to deal AoE Pyro Damage. But, if the leaked values are indeed correct as they are shown on Honey Impact, her Burst does not deal high amounts of damage (going from 127% at level 1, to 302% at level 15), when compared to other DPS’.

To make up for it, her burst will also mark enemies with an Aurous Blaze, which will cause marked enemies to explode after being hit by your party’s ATKs, dealing 122% to 289% Pyro Damage Bonus per explosion.

With that said, the ideal way of getting the most out of her Burst would be using it, then putting your Burst support in the field, to create the second wave of damage with the explosion.

If the marked enemy is killed, the Aurous Blaze will then pass on to another enemy and so on, for at least 10 seconds. also according to the leaks, only one explosion may occur every 2 seconds.

It’s also worth mentioning that her 3rd Passive Talent ”Summer Scorch”, gives her party an increase of at least 10% in their overall ATK for 15 seconds after the activation of ”Sixfraga Ryukin”.

You can check out Yoimiya’s full moveset in the video below, courtesy of @dimbreath, on Twitter:


More on her Constellations

Her constellations will, as we said above, and according to Honey Impact, be focused on increasing her overall and normal attack damage, as well as the damage of her field passive.

Among all of them, we can highlight her second constellation ”A Procession of Bonfires”, which will increase her Pyro Damage Bonus by 25% for 6 seconds after Yoimiya scores a Critical Hit, and her sixth constellation ”Naganohara Meteor Swarm”, which will give Yoimiya, during ”Taika Fire Dance”, a 50% chance of firing an extra Kindiling Arrow per shot, which will deal 60% of her normal attack damage. 

Will Yoimiya be the Best Elemental DPS in Genshin Impact?

According to details revealed officially, as well as leaks present on both Honey Impact and other sources, all talked about above, Yoimiya will be a character capable of dealing high Elemental Damage as well as triggering Melt and Vaporize reactions often, which will increase her overall damage by a lot when equipped with the right set of artifacts and placed in the right composition.

With that said, even though she is shaping up to be, in our opinion, a high-tier Elemental DPS, able to compete with Hu Tao and Ganyu, the game’s current top tiers. She won´t be able to deal the massive damage those two are able to deal with their normal/charged attacks, and in Hu Tao’s case, also with her Elemental Burst.

READ MORE: Genshin Impact 2.0 (1.7) Leaks: New event to feature a free Beidou

You can take part in Genshin Impact’s version 1.6 right now, which features the character banner of Kazuha, as well as his featured weapon banner, a new Arcon quest, and much more. 

Genshin Impact is currently available for the PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, mobile devices – Android and iOS – and for PC, via miHoYo’s official launcher and, since June 9th, in the Epic Games Store. A version of the game for the Nintendo Switch is also reportedly in development.

READ MORE: Genshin Impact 1.6: Will Kazuha be a Support or a DPS?

So, do you plan on pulling for Yoimiya, when she finally arrives on Genshin Impact’s version 2.0 (1.7)?