Pokemon Go: Homepage changes, upcoming game changes

Pokemon Go Website updates

Last Updated on: 19th June 2021, 11:00 pm

The Pokemon Go Homepage has got an update recently, and the update post itself also mentioned a handful of upcoming game changes too.

Let’s get into the details shall we?

Pokemon Go Homepage changes

The news update about this is available on the Pokemon Go Live website here, for anyone who might be interested in their short summary.

Before the website looked… quite basic, with little outside of the updates page of note. And even that was quite sparse, honestly. Only large events tended to be listed, to the extent I would personally use sites like Leekduck for news rather than the main website.

Now it looks, well, at least like a well-updated website at face value, and decently professional at that.

The new Pokemon Go Homepage landing page
The new Pokemon Go Homepage landing page, Credit: PokemonGoLive

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There’s even the latest news section after only a brief scroll down, listing the game’s upcoming events.

Honestly, these changes aren’t absolutely huge but they do make making use of the actual Pokemon Go Live website a far more tempting proposition, as before it was simply… underequipped, or Insufficient.

The new news section of the Pokemon Go Website.
The new news section of the Pokemon Go Website, Credit: PokemonGoLive

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The in-game changes mentioned

There aren’t many changes listed, but in particular the following two were mentioned:

  • A real-time sky mechanic that mimics a player’s sky light based on their geographical location
  • Additional Pokédex classifications to keep track of different Pokémon variants and attributes

The first sounds like a nice bit of an eye-candy update, though seems unlikely to impact Gameplay much outside of a visual enhancement.

Presumably the second is for tracking things such as Unown and it’s various forms? It’s not entirely clear, but the Pokedex does already support both Shiny and different gender versions in Pokemon Go.

That’s about everything to know for these little tidbits they’ve thrown our way recently, best of luck on your journey throughout Pokemon Go trainers.

If you’d be interested in reading more about Pokemon Go, you can find more Pokemon Go pieces on The Click right here, and more by me personally here.