Filters in Pokemon Go: Search terms, tips and tricks

ash checking through his pokemon in the pokemon anime used as Pokemon search term filter in Pokemon go title

Last Updated on: 13th July 2022, 10:15 pm

Did you know that there are search term filters in Pokemon Go? You can use them to find certain types of Pokemon, those with specific stats, or even one with a specific combination of moves.

If you’re interested in learning all the search terms, tricks and filters in Pokemon Go, read on.

All of the Filters in Pokemon Go

When you’ve been playing Pokemon Go for a while it’s easy to amass a vast collection of Pokemon. This creates a problem of finding specific ones when you want them, but fortunately, we have a list full of filters in Pokemon Go, whether you just need a single search term or a variety of tips and tricks to make better use of your collection.

Below is a list of the filters in Pokemon Go, but be aware these can be combined and modified further using different additional commands I’ll be covering below. You’ll want to use these filters in Pokemon Go’s very own Pokemon menu, just plug them straight into the search box to test them out.

Search filter input, written as ‘input’Effect of search filter
‘Pikachu’Returns all Pikachu
‘MyPikachu’Returns everything with the name MyPikachu
‘001’ – or other Pokedex #Returns all Bulbasaur, Pokedex entry 001
‘001-009’Returns all Pokemon in the range given, Kanto starters are used as an example.
‘fire’ – or any other typesReturns all Pokemon of the given type. Fire as an example.
‘fire, fighting’Returns all Fire or Fighting types.
‘fire & fighting’Returns any Fire/Fighting Dual type Pokemon
‘+Squirtle’Returns all members of the Squirtle Pokemon family
‘@Psystrike’ – @ is a filter for moves.Returns all Pokemon with the move Psystrike
‘@Dark’Returns all Pokemon who have at least one Dark-type attack
‘@1Water’Returns all Pokemon who have a Water-type fast attack
‘@2bug’Returns all Pokemon who have a Bug-type primary charged attack
‘@3flying’Returns all Pokemon with a Flying-type charged attack as a secondary charged attack
‘@2dragon&@3bug’Returns Pokemon with both a Dragon-type and Bug-type charged attack
‘@1water&@2fire,@3grass’Returns Pokemon with a Water-type fast attack, and either a primary Fire-type charged attack or secondary Grass-type charged attack
‘@move’Returns Pokemon without a secondary charged attack learned
‘!@move’Returns Pokemon with a secondary charged attack
‘@special’Returns Pokemon with Legacy moves
‘@weather’Returns Pokemon boosted by current weather effects
‘cp1000-2500’Returns Pokemon with CP between given numbers
‘hp50-100Returns Pokemon with CP between given numbers
‘cp-500’Returns Pokemon with less than or exactly the given number of CP
‘cp1000-‘Returns Pokemon with exactly or more than the given number of CP
‘0*’Returns 0* Pokemon, IV’s of 49% or lower
‘1*’Returns 1* Pokemon, IV’s between 51.1 and 64.6%
‘2*Returns 2* Pokemon, IV’s between 66.7 to 80%
‘3*’Returns 3* Pokemon, IV’s between 82.2 to 97.8%
‘4*’Returns 4* Pokemon, Perfect IV’s exclusively
‘distance1-20000’Returns Pokemon caught between 1 and 20000 metres away from where you are currently
‘distance100-‘ Flip the – to the other side of the value to invert the effectReturns Pokemon caught 100 or more metres away from current location
‘age 0’Returns Pokemon caught in the last day
‘age 0-7’Returns Pokemon caught in the last week
‘year 2020’Returns any Pokemon caught in the given year
‘year -2020’Returns Pokemon caught before the start of 2020
‘alola’ Other regions also work, such as Galar or KantoReturns all Pokemon from the specified region
‘costume’Returns event Pokemon
‘defender’Returns Pokemon currently defending a Gym
‘eggsonly’Returns all Baby Pokemon
‘evolve’Returns Pokemon that can evolve
‘evolvenew’Returns Pokemon that would unlock a new can entry when evolved
‘female’ or ‘male’ or ‘genderunknown’Returns given Pokemon of the gender
‘gbl’Returns Pokemon from the Go battle league
‘hatched’Returns Pokemon hatched from eggs
‘Item’Returns Pokemon that require an evolution item
‘lucky’Returns Lucky Pokemon
‘Mythical’ ‘Legendary’Returns Pokemon of the given rarity
‘purified’Returns Purified shadow Pokemon
‘raid’Returns Pokemon caught from Raid battle rewards
‘research’Returns Pokemon caught from Research task rewards
‘rocket’Returns any Pokemon caught from Team Go Rocket Battles
‘shadow’Returns all Shadow Pokemon regardless of origin
‘shiny’Returns all Shiny Pokemon
‘traded’Returns any Pokemon obtained through trades
‘tradeevolve’Returns any Pokemon that will get an evolution bonus after being traded
‘candyxl’Returns Pokemon that have used Candy XL
Credit: PokemonGo.Fandom wiki

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That’s it for the list of filters in Pokemon Go you can use to make your search results more useful. You can take this another step by mixing in some symbols to combine, adjust or even invert whatever filters in Pokemon Go you intend to be using.

Search term modifiers in Pokemon Go

You can also edit the filter terms you put into the search box in Pokemon Go by using additional symbols. & can be used to combine different terms, as I have done in this example.

Combining search term filters in Pokemon go
Credit: Niantic, TheClick.GG

A comma can be used to separate criteria, such as allowing you to type ‘cp12, magikarp’ returning all CP 12 Pokemon alongside all Pokemon named Magikarp or part of the Magikarp species. Exclamation marks (!) can be used to inverse what you are searching for, which in the previous example would show all Pokemon that are not Magikarp and not CP 12.

Where numbers are used in a search term filter in Pokemon Go, you can specify a range using a dash (-), or place the dash before or after the number to specify you want results of that number exactly as well as below or above it accordingly.