Pokemon Go: How to change your Pokemon’s nickname

Snowy the Vulpix, used in How to change nickname in Pokemon Go

Last Updated on: 14th July 2021, 08:58 pm

Nicknames are a huge part of the Pokemon Series for some players, but how exactly do you change the nickname of a Pokemon in Pokemon Go?

Fortunately, like our previous piece on finding out a Pokemon’s gender, changing a nickname in Pokemon Go is a pretty simple task, its just easy to miss the button if you’re not paying attention.

How to change a Pokemon nickname in Pokemon Go

The answer to how to change a nickname in Pokemon Go requires us first to head to the Pokemon list in the game, then simply click whatever Pokemon in your list you want to change the name of.

The Pokemon list is shown below for quick reference.

A list of Pokemon in Pokemon Go
A list of Pokemon in Pokemon Go,
Credit: Niantic, Inc

From here, with a Pokemon selected, you simply need to tap on the pre-existing name of the Pokemon, or the pen icon next to it. This will allow you to edit the name and should prompt you with a keyboard to do as you wish.

From here, what goes into the nickname slot is up to you.

That’s really all you need to know about how to change a nickname in Pokemon Go, it really is this simple. Though it can be pretty easy to miss if you don’t notice that little pen icon.

Nibbles, a nicknamed Garchomp in Pokemon Go
Nibbles, a nicknamed Garchomp in Pokemon Go,
Credit: Niantic, Inc

READ MORE: Pokemon Go: How to get more Candy for your Pokemon?

Is knowing how to change a nickname in Pokemon Go important at all?

This might surprise you, but yes actually, nicknames can be very useful even just in purely game mechanics terms. You see, nicknames are used in Pokemon Go to influence Eevee’s via name tricks, which can determine what they evolve into.

We even have a whole series of guides, available here, on what names turn Eevee into each Eeveelution – if it’s the first term you’re hearing about name tricks, give it a read.

Of course, nicknames can also be fun – but if you were going to use nicknames for fun you likely didn’t need me to tell you about that to know you can.

All of the various evolved forms of Eevee lined up (Pokemon Go eevee names piece)
How to change a nickname in Pokemon Go is an important question even just in Gameplay terms, as they can be used in Eevee name-tricks, enabling you to turn any Eevee into any specific Eeveelution once each.
Credit: WhatToWatch.com

Is there anything else to be aware of?

Nope, once you’ve set the nickname like this and accepted it, it’ll be set. You can change it again via the same method to whatever else you want, nicknames aren’t locked in like the main series games in Pokemon Go – no need for the name rater here.

With how to change nicknames in Pokemon Go covered, we’re about done with this one. If you’d be interested in more, you can find Pokemon Go articles, stories, and guides on The Click right here, and more pieces written by me personally here.