After over 20 years we are finally getting a new Pokemon Snap game with a release date that will come up quick. The original was released all the way back in 1999 on the N64 and since then fans have been itching for a new entry in the series. With the Nintendo Switch being a handheld hybrid with gyro controls, now seems like the perfect time to finally do it.
Here is everything we know so far:
Check out the latest trailer for New Pokemon Snap below.
Pokemon Snap Release Date
It has been confirmed that New Pokemon Snap will be launching worldwide on Friday April 30th.

New Pokemon Snap will be releasing exclusively on Nintendo Switch. Due to being a Nintendo property, it obviously won’t be releasing on either the PS5 or Xbox Series X|S. Also, the Nintendo 3DS is now discontinued so don’t expect a version to come to that system either.
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Pokemon Snap Pre-Order
Pre-orders are now live on the Nintendo Store, or at your favourite game store, or you can pre-order it on the eShop for £49.99 or $59.99.
Here are some links to save you looking for them.
Which Region Does it Take Place?
New Pokemon Snap will take place in the Lental region. The Lental region is a new region that hasn’t been seen in any previous Pokemon game.

But it will have a wide variety of area types to explores including,
- Plains
- Forest
- Jungle
- Beach
- Ocean
- Desert
Is That Bill?
In the original Pokemon Snap we played as Bill, the Pokemon Researcher we encountered north of Cerulean City in the gen 1 games. Bill is also the creator of the storage system that is used throughout the Pokemon series.
In the trailer for New Pokemon Snap we see a Professor that looks a lot like an older version of Bill. He is called Professor Mirror, but could he be mirroring our previous experience by having him as the Pokemon expert, guiding the player through their adventure?

Confirmed Pokemon
It has been confirmed that over 200 Pokemon will be available to photograph in New Pokemon Snap. This is a huge difference from the original game which had 63, however there were only 151 Pokemon at the time, compared to the 893 there are now.

While we don’t know the full list yet, here are some of the Pokemon that are confirmed to be in the game.
- Squirtle
- Pidgeot
- Pikachu
- Raichu
- Machamp
- Onix
- Exeggutor
- Magikarp
- Lapras
- Pichu
- Torchic
- Torterra
- Grookey
- Scorbunny
- Sobble
For the full list of confirmed Pokemon click here.
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Pokemon Snap Coming To eShop?
With New Pokemon Snap being a sequel to an N64 game, it does beg the question as to whether we could finally see N64 games added to the Eshop, or part of the Online service which currently has NES and SNES games available to play as part of the subscription.
The Nintendo 64 library, while small, had some fantastic games on such as Ocarina of Time, Super Mario 64, Banjo Kazooie, Pokemon Snap, Goldeneye, Donkey Kong 64, Smash Bros, Mario Kart 64 and many more.
It would be great to finally see some of these titles added to the Nintendo Switch.
N64 Mini
Following on from the eShop, could we finally see a N64 Mini in the future? The mini system has long been rumoured, ever since the release of the NES and SNES Mini. But for some reason it seems Nintendo cut off any new plans after the SNES and have so far refused to do anything with the N64 library.
The Nintendo 64 is remembered fondly by gamers so seeing it recognized would be great to see. The system also turns 25 this year, so what better time to do it than in 2021.
Are you looking forward to the new Pokemon Snap release date? What else do you hope to see in the game?
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