Streamer throws a rave with fire after every kill

Twitch Streamer Rave Pyro Fire

Last Updated on: 23rd April 2022, 12:38 am

In today’s episode of WTF, this clip may be one of the funniest and most unique things you’ll see on Twitch.

A clip was posted to Twitter by a Call of Duty streamer named PJ which shows the face cam of a 14-year-old streamer who beat him at the game.

In the clip, we can see the young streamer holding a one-man rave in his bedroom complete with fire pyrotechnics. Apparently, he does this after getting a kill in-game.

This doesn’t seem to be an isolated clip too, looking through the replies on the tweet, it looks like this is something the streamer does a lot.

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The thing that gets us is the fire…in his bedroom, we have no idea what his parents make of it, but it is certainly a unique way to get attention on Twitch as the clip currently has over 14 million views on Twitter.