This past week has been a huge one for Final Fantasy XIV fans with both a Live Letter from the Producer as well as a reveal of the new expansion, Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker. There’s tons of content to cover here, so I’ll try and cover all of the most important info!
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First off, lead of the Final Fantasy XIV team, Naoki Yoshida, announced that Endwalker will be the end of the first major plot saga of Final Fantasy XIV. The 10 year story of Hydaelyn and Zodiark’s feud comes to an end in the release of the new expansion. The following patches will supposedly begin the next arc of the popular MMORPG, a notable difference from prior expansions, whose stories tended to not be completed until the X.3 patch of a given series.
New Jobs
Two new jobs have been confirmed for release alongside the expansion. The roles of the two jobs are Melee DPS and Healer, of which only one has been confirmed. Introducing: Sage!

This stylish new class uses a set of floating Nouliths, a sort of gun, needle… thing, to attack foes and protect allies. Yoshi-P stated the new healer will primary focus on barriers and mitigating damage rather than healing it, and to make a better balance of pure and barrier healers, Astrologian will be refocused into a pure healing role. The latter class, a melee dps, is hypothesized to be a scythe wielding class due to Yoshi-P’s track record of recent shirts hinting at classes.
Battle Changes
As with any expansion, the level cap is once again increasing by 10 levels, to a new high of 90! All classes will be tweaked and expanded upon like the prior expansions as well. This time, however, they’re squishing down the overall numbers of the game to about 20% of what they used to be, so damage, enemy health, exp requirements, etc will all be trimmed down to relieve stress on the server. Fights will still be balanced as they always have though, its just the numbers going down.

Playstation 5
The last big point is that an open beta of Final Fantasy XIV is coming to PS5 on April 13, 2021! Users of the PS4 version will be able to move to the PS5 version at no added cost whatsoever, and this date coincides with the release of Patch 5.5 of Shadowbringers.
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As some miscellaneous points, a new housing district is being added, belts are being removed from player equipment, and a few new modes were teased at. A new Ultimate difficulty raid will also be launching on patch 6.1, roughly 3 months after the release of the expansion. All this info and more can be found by watching the Final Fantasy XIV Announcement Showcase. Take a look if you’re interested, and I’ll see you in Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker!
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