How to easily sell all items at once in Bannerlord

example item to sell in bannerlord

Last Updated on: 25th June 2022, 10:04 pm

Making money in Mount and Blade games can be slow, but it’s easier in Bannerlord with the Sell all items button, here’s where to find it.

How to sell all items quickly in M&B Bannerlord

Building up a healthy bank balance in Mount and Blade will typically require a lot of selling items. Fortunately in Bannerlord, we have a simple sell all button to shift your entire inventory to the merchant you’re interacting with to speed up this process drastically.

To do so, just tap the double arrow icon next to where your party name is displayed on the shop screen. You can also use the default keybind, D, to achieve the same effect.

selling all button in bannerlord
Credit: TheClick.GG, Taleworlds Entertainment

Doing so will shift all of your inventory to the merchant, and inform you how much you stand to gain. Unfortunately, this does include literally everything in your inventory. If you’re not careful, this can mean losing useful items too.

Or even more crucially, food mounts and crafting material.

Assuming you’re like most players, you keep a healthy supply of pack animals, backup weapons and of course food in your inventory, you probably don’t actually want to sell every single one of your items at once in Bannerlord. If you’d like to avoid that, you can also use the lock item feature.

sell all items at once value in mount and blade bannerlord
Credit: TheClick.GG, Taleworlds Entertainment

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To do so, simply click the small empty circle in the row of the item you’d like to keep, which will lock it and prevent the sell all items button from getting rid of it. That feature won’t stop you from selling it accidentally if you’re doing it one by one by clicking the arrows though, so it’s only really protection from the sell-all feature.

When you get used to using the lock and sell all items options, handling your inventory and looted goods becomes a hell of a lot easier in Mount and Blade II: Bannerlord.

You can just pick up everything an opposing band has dropped after a battle, hit up the shops in the nearest town and press the sell all button to maximise your denars gained with very little effort. It might still be worth quickly scrolling your inventory before doing so to lock anything newly obtained you might want to keep, such as looted food or potentially useful equipment.

There isn’t much more to this little feature used to sell all items in Bannerlord, just make sure to hit the done button afterwards to complete the sales, or the revert button in the middle of the inventory if you think you’re selling something you’d rather keep. As shown above, you can see a handy list of what you’re selling if its short enough to fit on the screen, which can also be helpful to avoid unintentionally selling something you want to keep.