Mass Effect Legendary Edition: How to mark items as Junk

Mass Effect Legendary Mark as Junk guide title

Last Updated on: 24th June 2021, 06:00 pm

Mass Effect 1’s Legendary Edition has an option to mark things as Junk, but it’s not the most visually obvious. So how do you mark it as junk?

It’s a fairly simple question but its entirely possible you missed learning precisely how to do it and ended up looking for how to manage it, so luckily we’re here to help.

Mark items as Junk in Mass Effect

Marking unwanted items as Junk in Mass Effect 1 Legendary Edition allows them to be sold in bulk by the “Sell all Junk” option in stores, or converted to Omni-Gel by the Omni-Gel button in your equipment tab.

This makes inventory management a fair bit less of a pain, so it’s worth doing in the long run for sure.

Mass Effect 1 Items Closeup with marked as junk items
Mass Effect 1 Items Closeup with marked as junk items, Credit: EA

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In the highlighted item at the bottom of the list, you can see the problem with the junk icon. It’s very very see-through compared to the rest of the UI, so you might not actively notice it.

Still, activating the move to junk system in Mass Effect 1 is fortunately simple when you know how, all you need to do is click this faint bin icon. The bin will appear much more solidly on any items marked as Junk, as both items shown above Thunder IX do in the image above.

Is marking as Junk important in Mass Effect?

You can go the entire playthrough and simply not use this system in all honesty, I nearly did till I accidentally uncovered the button via a misclick.

Mass Effect 1 LE Inventory
The Junk button is Mass Effect 1 LE Inventory can be a bit hard to notice if you’re not explicitly looking for it, Credit: EA

With that said, after a long mission or multiple side quests, mass-marking-as-junk and selling with a single button press will be far faster than individually selling and confirming the sale of each item to a vendor. So if you want to save time, the option is very useful and makes it so that as long as you’re marking items correctly, you won’t be mistakenly selling anything important.

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Is that all there is to it?

That’s really all you need to know, yes – it’s a simple enough system by all means. It’s just unfortunately very easy to miss the button if you’re only taking a glance at the user interface.

In any case, that’ll be all for this short piece on Mass Effect. If you’d be interested in more guides from The Click, you can find those here. If you’d like to read more by me, you can find my author page here.