LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga Cheat Codes list

Last Updated on: 14th April 2022, 05:25 pm

The much-anticipated addition to TT Games’ Lego Star Wars series of video games has finally arrived! 

While we definitely love LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga so far, we are yet to dive deeper into the game as there is a huge roster of playable characters and a myriad of ships we need to get our hands on. 

Admit it or not, we canā€™t get enough of the game’s characters and ships, and we all want to add more to our collection. Thankfully, there’s a number of cheat codes we can use to do just that.

Credit: StarWars

READ MORE: LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga achievements/trophy guide

Character/Ship Cheat Code List 

Below is the full list of currently available characters and ship cheat codes: 

Aayla Secura KH7P320 
Admiral Holdo XV4WND9
The Emperor SIDIOUS
Dengar OKV7TLR 
Nute Gunray WBFE4GO 
Poggle the Lesser Z55T8CQ 
Ratts Tyerell GR2VBXF
C-3PO (Holiday Special) C3PHOHO 
Chewbacca (Holiday Special) WOOKIEE 
Darth Vader (Holiday Special) WROSHYR 
D-O (Holiday Special) TIPYIPS 
Gonk Droid (Holiday Special) LIFEDAY 
Poe Dameron (Holiday Special) KORDOKU 
Snap Wexley SKYSAGA 
The Razor Crest ARVALA7 
Resistance Intersystem Transport Ship SHUTTLE 
Character/Ship Cheat Codes

READ MORE: Is there a demo for LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga?

How to Use Cheat Codes 

To use the codes in the list, just pause the game. In the the pause menu, select the key icon labeled ā€œEnter Code.ā€

Now, go ahead and unlock these characters and ships. Have fun and may the Force be with you!