Deep Rock Galactic: How to heal yourself during a mission

Last Updated on: 26th June 2022, 07:56 pm

Deep Rock Galactic has missions that can be long and require surviving many enemies, so knowing how to heal and restore health is crucial. Here’s how you can keep yourself a healthy Dwarf while out on missions.

How to heal in Deep Rock Galactic

Healing in Deep Rock Galactic is primarily done through the use of Red Sugar, a glowing red crystal that can be found and broken in a mission to consume it for instant healing.

There are other methods, but locating and managing Red Sugar is typically the most common. Fortunately, the red glow of this particular crystal can easily be spotted some distance away.

red sugar in DRG
Credit: TheClick.GG, Coffee Stain Publishing

Provided you have a way to reach the Red Sugar, mining it like any other rock will break it, causing red chunks to fall to the ground. Contact with these will consume them to heal you.

While Red Sugar does break easily, it can also spawn in difficult-to-reach places. Make sure to employ your mobility tools to get to it if need be, or have a Scout use their grappling hook and whack it down for you.

Using red sugar to heal in deep rock galactic
Credit: TheClick.GG, Coffee Stain Publishing

Other healing methods

Outside of employing Red Sugar to boost your health, there are a few other, far more limited options.

One of which is the Vampire Perk, which restores a small amount of health upon melee-killing Glyphids of grunt size or larger, with more health gained upon larger melee kills. This can be combined with Iron Will to effectively revive yourself when you go down, by using this temporary revive effect to get quick melee kills and thus heal yourself out of the downed state before Iron Will times out.

This makes for a pretty common trick in Deep Rock, so make sure to give it a try yourself, there’s a reason it’s popular.

The other healing option available is simply the use of Resupply Pods. Don’t waste them just to top off your health though, they’re also your only means of improving your Ammo reserves.