We compiled a guide to the best world seeds for Valheim. Tired of getting lost and being unable to find good spots for mining in your procedurally generated world? Upset that your settlement is way too far from useful resources? Or maybe you just want to check out cool areas and not have to trudge all the way? Well, we’ve got you covered.
Valheim Best Seeds
Speed Runner
Seed: HHcLC5acQt
Discovered by InfernoFPS, this seed has all the bosses very close to the spawn point. There are 4 runes on the starting island, and the 5th boss is a simple raft journey away. All the biomes are on the starter continent as well, and there’s a trader nearby. What more could you possibly want?
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Iron Swamp
Seed: t9n3WG6dFk
A great seed for collecting iron in the swamp. Make sure to use the wishbone to locate the iron nodes. The rough coordinates for the iron are 2235, 5029, -361.
Centralised Map
Seed: W2hUEJUEcM
Discovered by u/Goottimuikkunen, this seed provides a more localized experience to people who don’t want to to spend too much time searching far and wide for resources and biomes. About 90% of the resources can be found without needing to cross water, according to the original poster. Approximately half the game can be played on the very first island.
Easy Merchant Location
Seed: Hu2N5rgDT5 / 42069lolxd
Struggle finding Haldor? Look no further!
First seed: With this seed, all you need to do is walk south from the starting location until you hit the coastline, then continue to follow it to the south and west. The merchant’s camp will pop up on the map when you get close enough to him.
Second seed: Along the southern coast from your starting point, he’ll be there to buy and sell whatever you could want. It’s always nice to live close to a convenience store.
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Mountain Biome
Seed: nDB9WybzUw
Sporting two massive mountain biomes in the center of the map, this map can allow for some truly titanic battle settings if you’re playing with friends and are looking to do a little PvP.
Odin is king
Seed: Odinisking
This seed spawns you on a large starting island which is primarily Black Forest, but has other biome types as well. Four of the bosses and the trader can be found on the island as well. Rather nifty seed for that name.
All-in-one biome
Seed: imacheater
In this seed you’ll find all five main biomes on one of the pieces of land adjacent to the starting area.
That’s all for our guide on the best world seeds for Valheim! Which of these massive Valheim worlds are your favorite? If you haven’t used any of these seeds yet, which ones are you most looking forward to? Got any seeds you don’t see here that you think are worth mentioning? Share them all in the comments below!
In the meantime, I’ll be busy constructing the biggest viking castle I can!