Spellbreak Week 11 Quests have been released as part of the ongoing schedule of weekly Story Quests and Honor Quests for Chapter Pass holders, this week called An Uncomfortable Truth.
Spellbreak Week 11 Story Quests – An Uncomfortable Truth
Every week when new Story Quests and Honor Quests are added they are accompanied by a character of the lore of Spellbreak speaking with you. This week the character is Quincy Poisewax.
Quincy talks of the Spellstorm Rifts on the map that players have started to use for an advantage against others.
Spellstorm Rifts are large elevated portals in the shape of an upside down triangle that teleport you inside of the safe zone of the Spellstorm.
These dark, glowing portals, shown below, are the safest and fastest route out of the storm as they give you a chance to enter the safe zone.

Using a Spellstorm Rift will also give you a new aerial position to place yourself in more of an area of your choice upon landing.
However, now Quincy speaks of a new phenomenon called Fracture Vents. These new environmental elements add a new level of surprise to the battles you’ll engage in.
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Regal Runes – Equip 3 Rare or Better Runes
For this first part of this Story Quest you are going to need to equip 3 Runes or Rare or higher rarity. This can be completed in one game as long as you seem and pick up, 3 Runes of at least Rare rarity.

Most runes you will find in a game will be among this rarity level, so the bigger challenge will be finding addition Runes of Epic and Legendary rarities.This challenge should be no problem to complete, even if across several games.
No more than 3 games should be necessary for this Story Quest and earn yourself 2,500 Reputation.
Week 11 Story Quests: Eye of the Storm – Cross Inner Spellstorm Circle 10 Times
This Story Quest requires you to cross the inner Spellstorm Circle 10 times.
There are several Spellstorm Circles throughout a match, however you are going to need to play a few games in order to reach the amount required.
Although how long you last in a match is another factor on how many Spellstorm Circles you’ll be able to pass per game.
If you’re unaware, while there is the outline of the Spellstorm itself, the Spellstorm Circle is the outline of the future safe zone that is outline yellow that you can gross perform the safe zone actually forms.

Simply stay ahead of the storm and you should complete this in no time and you’ll be rewarded with 5,000 Reputation.
Fracture Finder – Take 5 Fracture Readings
For the final Story Quest you’re tasked with taking Fracture Readings.
In order to take a Fracture Reading, you are going to need to interact with the newest environmental addition to the Hollow Lands, Fracture Vents.
By interacting with these vents, shown below, you will be launched straight up, giving you an advantage over enemies in your immediate area.

Finishing this final Story Quest will finish Spellbreak Week 11 Quests and earn you 7,500 Reputation and unlock the Fracture Expert Badge.
Spellbreak Week 11 Honor Quests – An Uncomfortable Truth
Honor Quests are less story related, and more accolade or accomplishment related. Honor Quests usually task you with doing something specific on the battlefield a certain number of times. Each stage rewards you with Reputation equal to the amount of Reputation you receive from Story Quests.
Runes of Legend – Equip 10 Epic or Better Runes
Now while this sounds similar to the Story Quest above, this challenge requires you to equip a total of 7 Runes and they must be of higher rarity than before, Epic.

This may take you more than 3 games to complete, unlike our earlier Story Quest but this still should take you no time at all as you should be equipping the best equipment you can find throughout the match.
Week 11 Honor Quests: Ground Attack – Deal 1500 Damage From the Ground
While this challenge may seem, at first glace, that it requires you to be of the Stoneshaper class but you only need to attack, as any class, from the ground to complete this challenge.
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Some attacks without a doubt are better used while in a sort of aerial or higher ground than your opponent, plenty of damage and direct hits can be put on enemies from the ground as well.
With all of the mayhem that is the inner and final Spellstorm Circles, this challenge should get a lot of progress every game that you reach that point of a match.

Epic Collector – Collect Epic or Better Amulet From Enemy Player
While you usually get equipment from looting around the map, another way to get great items you need is from an enemy you just exiled with your skills.
Although you have defeated them, they may have better equipment than you so for this challenge be sure to look for Amulets specifically from the loot of the enemies you have exiled.
For the challenge you will need only one Epic Amulet but it must be dropped from an enemy so make sure you get that exile and hope they have an Epic Amulet.
That should be everything you need to complete Spellbreak Week 11 Quests, both Story and Honor Quests this week.. Hopefully this helped you complete the quests as easy as possible so you can get back to exile after exile in Hallow Lands.