Pokemon Go is holding a one-day event for the Festival of Colors in India, with quite a few things thrown in as bonuses.
If you’re playing Pokemon Go from India, make sure to check out the details below. – If you’re not, we’ve got something for you near the bottom.
And if you’d like to learn about the Festival of Colors, we have a summary of the traditional celebration written for you by fellow the Click writer Kabir Singh, which can be found towards the end of the article.
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When is the Festival of Colors event?
The Pokemon Go event for the Festival of Colors will begin on March 28th from 10:00 AM and will last until 8:00 PM IST.
Please be aware that the event is India-Specific. You should not be able to play this event from elsewhere.
This means that players outside India cannot benefit from the features of the event, though Niantic have thrown the rest of some avatar items which I’ll discuss later.

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What can we expect from the event?
The Festival of Colors event will feature exclusive timed research tasks, time-limited shop bundles, and more Pokemon being attracted to Incense.
First of all, let’s address what Pokemon will be lured to Incense for the duration of the event – they’ve all been chosen to represent the different colors of the Festival, so theres quite some variety here.
Incense-Lured Pokemon:
- Bulbasaur
- Pikachu
- Jigglypuff
- Seel
- Alolan Grimer
- Marill
- Sunkern
- Murkrow
- Slugma – Unlike all the others, Slugma does not currently have a shiny form available.
- Aron
- Trapinch
- Drifloon

Credit: The Pokemon Company
The in-game shop will include two event specific boxes.
- A 100 Pokecoin box containing 30 Poke Balls, 1 Lucky egg and 10 Pinap Berries.
- A free box containing three Incense.
Finally, event-exclusive research rewards have been stated to include a wide variety of items and a bonus Pokemon encounter, as listed below:
- Poke Balls, Great Balls and Ultra Balls.
- All variants of berries, including Golden Razz berry and Silver Pinap Berry.
- A Dragon scale, Sun stone and Sinnoh stone.
- Mega energy for all of the following: Venusaur, Charizard, Blastoise, Beedrill, Pidgeot, Gengar and Ampharos.
- Strong or useful items including Hyper Potions, a Super Incubator and a Premium Battle Pass.
- A fixed encounter with Alolan Muk, The colorful sludge Pokemon.

Credit: Bulbapedia
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Does the event have anything for other players?
It has been quite some time since Pokemon Go hosted a truly region-specific event like this – the last I could find was over a year ago.
With that in mind, naturally some players will be curious if Niantic is offering them anything with this event, and luckily they are in fact doing so.
They will be adding two entirely new Festival inspired cosmetic avatar items for free in the in-game shop starting from March 26th at 1:00 PM pacific time.
While it’s not a huge bonus like the free incense, it is nice we all get something from the event. And they are quite nice cosmetics, so its a definite plus.
That’s everything we know about the upcoming Festival of Colors event Trainers, but if you’d like to know about the Festival of Colors itself, read on.
What is the Festival of Colors?
And now a segment for those Pokemon Go players who are not from India and thus may not be familiar with the focus of the event, we have a summary of the Traditional Celebration by fellow the Click writer Kabir Singh, as mentioned in the introduction.
The festival of colors is a traditional Indian celebration of seasons and harvest, known as “Holi”. It is very significant for farmers, celebrating bountiful harvests in spring. Modern day celebration of the festival involves people gathering together with their friends and loved ones to enjoy music and traditional sweets.
Children participate by playing pranks and covering each others’ faces and garments with powdered colors and colored solutions, and dousing one another using water guns (pichkaris). Washable, plant-based colors such as turmeric and neem are traditionally used for safe practice.
The eve of Holi sees a pyre being lit to symbolise the burning of the asura “Holika”, symbolising the victory of good over evil. It is also a day of forgiveness and is meant to inculcate peace and harmony in society.