Fire Emblem Heroes Fallen Heroes 2021

Fire Emblem Heroes fallen edelgard

Last Updated on: 7th May 2021, 07:00 pm

Ever since early 2018, Intelligent Systems has been releasing banners which contain fallen heroes or villains who have become corrupt in one way or another. For 2021, the Fire Emblem Heroes: Fallen Heroes are Edelgard, Dmitri, Male and Female Morgan, and Orson.

Who are they?

Well, this year brings us a total of five fallen heroes. Edelgard and Dmitri most people probably know as two of the three protagonists of Fire Emblem Three Houses, and the two have both been driven to madness for this summoning event.

The Morgans are from Fire Emblem Awakening, and are the two options Robin has for his or her son or daughter. The two have fallen prey to the Fell Dragon: Grima, though are still called Morgan as opposed to the Robins which were fully possessed by the dragon.

Finally, the last unit isn’t featured on the banner, but is going to be a Grand Hero Battle releasing shortly. It starts Orson from Fire Emblem The Sacred Stones, and is a really cool nod to his role in that game.

Worth it?

I’ll be the first to admit I haven’t been actively into Heroes on a banner to banner basis in a while, but these units speak for themselves. The banner is definitely worth rolling on if you’re looking for some of the best units or if you’re fans of the characters.

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Edelgard is the clear winner here with absolutely monstrous stats, distant counter and wary fighter built into her kit, and no weapon triangle disadvantage. I’m near certain she will be one of the biggest threats the game has ever seen. Dmitri, while not as strong as Edelgard, looks to be a fantastic infantry lance unit and can do reasonably well on both player and enemy phase.

Fire emblem heroes fallen heroes 2021 stats
Credit: Nintendo
(May need to open the image in a new tab)

The Morgans are somewhat less impressive. Moreso the Male variant, as an infantry red tome is a common unit type that will always fall victim to powercreep. The Female version, however, as a flying green unit, likely has more staying power with a niche not really covered among axe fliers.

All in all, the Fire Emblem Heroes fallen heroes banner for 2021 looks to be on par with past years, pushing the boundaries of unit strength as well as adding cool variants to heroes and villains alike. Please send me luck to acquire Female Morgan.

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