Factorio: Patch notes for Version 1.1.37

Factorio patch notes version 1.1.37

Last Updated on: 8th August 2021, 05:11 pm

Factorio recently launched another update, so we made sure to grab the patch notes for Factorio version 1.1.37 for you, all included below.

Factorio Patch notes for Version 1.1.37

We’ve got the full list of change list of the version 1.1.37 update of Factorio listed below. All these changes are sourced from the official patch notes, available here.

The changelog provided below is a slightly altered version of the patch notes provided by the developers of Factorio. All adjustments are purely formatting based to allow them to work better with our website, so the content should otherwise be identical.

Factorio patch notes version 1.1.37
Credit: Steam, Wube Software

READ MORE: Flight Simulator: Patch notes for hotfix

Factorio version 1.1.37 patch notes


  • Fixed several issues related to latency state and quickbar.
  • Fixed underground belt related tips and tricks performing incorrectly. (99320)
  • Fixed forced autosave flag would persist into loading another map if the current map got terminated due to script error before performing the autosave. (99360)
  • Fixed a crash when loading some corrupt save files. (99382)
  • Fixed a crash when using specific mods. (99408)
  • Fixed that disabled mod depenencies would get re-downloaded when installing mods. (99343)
  • Fixed starting message dialog was darkened in the Sandbox scenario. (99287)
  • Fixed the missing dots icon on the tiny shortcut bar expand button.
  • Fixed that repeated clicking on the Snap to grid checkbox in the blueprint setup gui didn’t work unless the mouse moved away and back. (99396)
  • Removed references to iron-axe and steel-axe from the PvP scenario config. (99308)
  • Fixed inserters filters would get cleared in some cases when building from blueprints. (99363)


  • Changed mining drill storage_slots to be automatic.
  • Added destroy_action to logistic and construction robot prototypes.
  • Inserters can now pull from the main output and burnt result inventory of an entity.


  • Added LuaControl::is_cursor_empty(). Returns if the cursor is empty, taking into account items, ghost cursor, and items from the blueprint library.
  • Added on_worker_robot_expired event. Called when a worker (construction or logistic) robot expires through a lack of energy.

End of Patch notes summary

For anyone new to the game stumbling into these patch notes, Factorio is available on Steam here, and the Factorio website here.

Well, that’s everything for the Factorio patch notes for version 1.1.37. We’ve made sure to include the entire changelog, so if you’re looking for something in particular, try hitting ctrl+F and typing what you want.

Also, make sure to visit our homepage to check out other gaming news.