Halo MCC: How to unlock Halo Reach Armor pieces

Halo Reach Splash art

Last Updated on: 6th December 2021, 01:52 pm

As part of Halo MCC, the Reach Armor customisations are still available to players, but not in the same way as the original game.

It is a bit more restrictive than the original Reach system was, but that isn’t an option in MCC, so this is how you can get the armor you want for Reach, in Reach on MCC.

How to unlock Halo Reach Armor pieces in Halo MCC

To unlock armor pieces in Halo MCC in general, you have to use the battle pass system the game has. To find it, you’ll first need to access the Options and Career section

Step 1 Options and Career
Credit: Xbox Game Studios

From here, you’ll want to access the Season 8 (or whatever season we’re on when you see this screen) button, which contains all of the battle passes in Halo MCC. You’ll need to return to this screen later as well, so make sure you remember this is all hidden under Options and Career.

Step 2, battlepass Halo MCC
Credit: Xbox Game Studios

When you’re in the battle pass itself, you’ll want to navigate back to Season 1 – Noble – this is where the vast majority of the Halo Reach armor customisation options are located, as well as Firefight voices for the game and the like. There are 100 items in here, so you’ll need to earn plenty of points to unlock them all.

step 3 Noble Battlepass Halo MCC
Credit: Xbox Game Studios

Speaking of earning points to unlock them, to do so you’ll need to make use of the Challenge hub, the button next to season 8 shown above the view of the Reach battle pass.

Each challenge will have a goal to complete, a reward EXP amount, potentially some battle pass points to spend a set of restrictions that apply to it – it might only be available in a specific Halo game, for instance, which would be displayed as the respective game icon being greyed out in the available titles section.

How to earn points in Halo MCC
Credit: Xbox Game Studios

The battle pass currency part of the challenge is highlighted below with a red circle.

Just get some challenges finished up and you’ll have currency to start spending on buying armor pieces for your Reach Spartan.

Is there anything else?

That’s really all there is to it, sadly we do not have the option to revert to the older Reach options here for those who preferred the Credit system, though there was quite a bit of grind in that which wouldn’t have over too well in a collection style game, as Reach would presumably be the only game using it.

In any case, that’s about everything for this short guide. We’ve got more Halo content available for you if you’re interested, and if you’d like to try reading more of what I’ve written, my content is available on my author page.